Monkey eating BA-NA-NA!!!!

Jul 27, 2005 11:11

oye, que pasa? como va? well..what's been up the past few weeks..

i just learned that "temperance" is a virtue i need to work on, not that anything serious happened but when it comes to "shopping", its something i normally would've practiced. lately, that's not the case. i've been splurging here and there and EVERYWHERE!! i need to take a hold of myself (shudder)..i took a leave for a week and that's what kept me busy, hehe =)

two weeks ago i bought a barrage of clothes and accessories from MANGO, my only consolation was that they were on sale. then, last week i bought a few books to add to our library collection (few is a bit understated when you've purchased 10 or more). last weekend, i couldn't help but buy dvds (for the enth time) to add to our growing collection of movies. i'm completely broke!! its a good thing i'm getting my next paycheck at the end of the month, whew! I AM NOT SPENDING ANYMORE! i'm done...nada! despite the affirmation that i've decided to start saving again, i can't help but feel guilty about my material possessions..hmm, hard-earned money down the drain..i could've given it to charity!! brightside is though, i'm making use of them (i'm trying to make myself feel better, hehe). so you see, that's life!


shifting talk to much more valuable things, just three weeks ago, my diabetic grandfather had a hypoglycimic attack that caused him to flatline for almost three minutes..a scare to all of us (my mom's family). although he had been given COKE and honey his previous attack which did him no harm, this time was a real close call. it was all so trying, especially for my grandmother, he'd been confined for nearly three weeks after the incident, a series of tests and medication, i personally couldn't stand seeing him up there with all the tubes and needles attached to his frail body as much i didn't like being in the hospital. despite that, God truly works in mysterious ways. he didn't suffer any brain damage, thanks to the nurses and doctor's in the E.R. who worked on him right away by giving him CPR and pumping oxygen into him for a good 20 minutes. he passed all his tests on his heart, lungs, blood sugar, and so and so just so that he could go home and get ready for their trip to Sydney. he wasn't in the ICU long because of our steady vigilance and all-around clock watch ( i had my shift one saturday). it brought our family much closer and i for one think its a miracle that my grandfather is back at home in care of a private nurse of course! but that won't stop him from living his days here on earth. he is blessed and we are too!! =) i'm just glad he's better.

AGENDAS: La Luz Beach Resort Outing, Ina's Birthday Charity Party, my interview with Store Specialists, Inc.

last tuesday, since i was on leave for a whole week i decided to spend time with my cousins (girls), so we went on a road trip to La Luz Beach Resort in Batangas for an overnight stay. boy, did we have a blast! i finally got my long-overdue tan. the place was lovely with its zen villas and white ethnic cabanas. the food was delish and buffet style. the beach was beautiful,pebble sand and looking out towards the china sea, we played the waves, and when it was low-tide we saw all kinds of sea creatures in tide pools. i can say i had the most relaxing, de-stress massage ever in that place. i just had to get away from all the stress the city was giving me.

last sunday, it was my cousin, Ina's birthday, it was spent with orphans and that was something very memorable, it was so nice to make these kids happy, just to have them enjoy one day of pure happiness just melted my heart, its so good to give. the location was in Mcdonald's, so you can imagine what we had in store for them. the Mcdonald's staff coordinated with Ina to give these kids a hella party, they brought in their mascots and played several games, we participated in the the singing and dancing, pure entertainment. well, at the end of the day it was good and it brought tears to Ina's eyes to say goodbye to the kids, priceless. i'm glad that she did it because it is our apostolate to give to the needy. i myself just recently gave charity to "ONE" and i definitely will continue to give whatever help i can to those who need it most. last year, i also contributed to the Spark of Hope foundation which has a partnership with Starbuck's, a foundation to alleviate illiteracy among children. so that gives me an idea this christmas to support my aunt's graphic design company, B & C Co., which has created a package treat to get poor children of the streets. i'll be giving such package treats to my relatives and friends to have them put in their cars, so that whenever they find a child asking money on the streets they could give each of the treats (comprising from food, slippers, shirts, crayons & paper, and etc.) to these kids instead of currency because more than likely when you give money they spend it on something unpractical. its more to educate the children, to set their goals higher for education and healthy living. so just having that package treat alone gives us hope that we can make change even in small way. continously replenishing this B & C package treats with our own resources will give us the initiative to help these kids and street beggars. what's the price of biscuits and slippers to a better life!? its nothing really. our money goes to something more meaningful. my sister and cousin, Inez, support other groups also such as Taguyod Foundation and Kythe (a foundation to support children who are burn victims and who have cancer).

as far as my charitable acts, there are several things happening in my life. i just had an interview with Store Specialists, Inc. (a brand management/retail & merchandising firm), and it actually went well. i finally started looking for a part-time job and this is one of my top choices. i'm praying that i get it. although previous to my interview, God really tested me. i needed my transcript during the interview so i had to get it at my former university. yeah, i really don't want to go into detail but they gave me a hard time. something about a name change in my diploma, registration wouldn't release it. so i went to the interview empty-handed, but with God's grace they were lenient and told me i could give it the next time i'd be called in. so this time i will be ready. i sent my application to Coldrock Ice Creamery also via email, but they haven't gotten back to me yet, wonder what's the problem? if things don't go well with SSI, then my next move would be to apply in Tyler (another brand mgt./retail firm). its all a matter of time. i see this part-time job as an opportunity to widen my horizons (as far as experience and income is concerned).

on work at the embassy, hallelujah!! the ambassador is real nice right now. i hope she continues this streak even when her daughter leaves for university. it looks great on her and is good for us, hehe =) we haven't gotten our increase yet, but i'm hopeful. the time schedule has never been better. i wish her daughter would study here instead but that's selfish of me right!?!

much has been said, what gives? well the banana thingy, who wouldn't be the monkey in superfriends!! *joke* this is just in passing, my mom sent me info on the "banana", since lately i've been feeling ill and weak, she says my potassium level is low, so go figure. i placed the banana in my daily diet. but the info you recieve nowadays just amazes me. they should change the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away to, a banana a day keeps the doctor away". seriously, its got more vitamins and minerals and just cures about everything. well, everything that ails me, i guess.

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