May 01, 2004 17:11
im kinda out weighed on the life line. I've beaten myself up over it a thousand times a day for the past week. I'm just sick of being dead, being dead over this. i cant rewind, there is no use and i cant be justified by a pretty poem and i've apologized countless times. There isnt a thing i can do now. just let the twister take its course.
I hope i have time tonight to work on Silly Strings. The random sketches of Ronan are begging to have a story attached. God (my creator apparently) has a sense of humor with me, so Me, (Ronan's creator apparently) is gonna have a sense of humor with him. Dont worry though I wont be to harsh on him.. but Brody (his 3 year old) might!
I'm actually kind of happy im working tonight, get my mind of of things. I cant wait till monday. that means my week starts and i get a whole nother weekend to live. Tuseday is rehursal, 2 weeks from tomarrow is the opening of the exibit Of duxbury art museum. I suggest you all go, it'll be fun.
im off to finish my day and get paid