It was beautiful day today - sunny and warm. Temperature was above +10, even more in the sun. I walked around just in my blouse and felt warm. I spent the day doing gardening because snowdrops and crocuses are already out and should start blooming any day now. It's 9:30 p.m. and it's still +8 outside. Such a warm evening. I have to remind myself it's just a beginning of February not March or April. Too early to hide the winter clothes.
Dakota Fanning is the new face of science fiction - Taken (the miniseries), War of the Worlds and now the two movies I actually plan to see on the big screen - Coraline (she voices the title character) and Push. She's everywhere. And if not her sister is.
Coraline - I liked the book and it's from the guy who did Nightmare Before Christmas and it's 3D.
Push - it looks like just the right mix of action and sf and psychics and special effects to enjoy the fun without it straying into ridiculousness of Emmerich movies where sfx club plot so long it is made only of nitpicks. Push seems like fun has TK battles and nobody runs around in funny costume.
I knew for a while that I want to see both movies. I've just read reviews on io9 -
Coraline and
Push (a bit spoilery) - they reminded me that both are out somewhere and I still don't know when I'll be able to see them. I just have to steer clear from friend offering to see them now.
In catching up with the book reading I'm finally done with Terry Pratchett's Going Postal. I loved it. All those internet metaphors - hacking, singularity, GNU and all. But the finniest part is that's a book published in 2004 but it explains exactly how we got into this whole financial crisis. Somebody looked at the end of the rainbow and checked if gold was there.