Even when they hate each other they are precious

May 10, 2015 23:09

The season finale of Once Upon A Time was pretty fun.

[OUaT season finale spoilers]
There were some cool things this season - like Cruella's story (a Natural Born Killer). And Emma/Regina team up to find Lily and save Robin Hood. And Regina just taking her happy ending into her own hands. But the best parts were in this episode.

Regina looked great in that forest bandit get up. I wish she could wear it more often. Snow looked even more awesome in the Evil Queen clothes. I liked her version of Evil Queen wardrobe even more than Regina's (also Charming with the eyeliner looked good). And I loved that she and Charming were still together even though they didn't love each other. Even when loathing each other they make great team. The whole thing with changing places was great. And now we are also to see evil Emma. I'm pretty stoked for that.

Emma sacrificing herself for Regina (and the shippers screamed in joy) was pretty great too. Think how they started as two opposing forces fighting over the fate of everyone and their son and now they are best friends.

We all knew the Sorcerer had to be Merlin but I just realised that he's probably Lily's father. As we all know dragons take a big part in his origin story. I wonder if now that both Emma and Lily are Darkness they will go on a rampage together. And in search of Merlin like everyone else.

What I didn't like was Bell going back to Rumpel (even after he did got evil even during his happy ending). I have no idea why they ever brought Will into the series as nothing would change if he ever existed. They should've let him have his happy ending with the Red Queen.

I also watched the last episode of Revenge. I abandoned it this season but I saw all the previous ones so I decided to see how it ended. [Spoiler (click to open)]And they actually did go for happy ending. Victoria's dead. Emily is Amanda again and has her family back. And she marries Jack (although it might feel weird to be the guy who married two Amanda Clarkes) and sails away. Not knowing she has Victoria's heart. While Nolan is getting a new person to aid. The whole thing was rushed and a little ridiculous but so was the whole series at the end. But at least it had Courtney Love as a super assassin.

tv, ouat, reactions, fantasy, drama

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