It's official -
ABC is keeping everything I like. They are renewing not only Agents of SHIELD but also Agent Carter and Galavant. I was afraid for Agent Carter and was sure there was no chance for
Galavant to come back so that's a really nice surprise. Also back OUaT, whole Thursday (even American Crime), Castle and Secrets and Lies. Not back - Forever, Resurrection and Revenge - so I'm glad that I never got into the first two and quit Revenge last season (in my head cannon it ended with Victoria in the mental hospital and Emily leaving to take care of miraculously recovered Aidan).
Also not coming next season -
the rumoured Agents of SHIELD spin-off with Bobbi and Hunter. I hope this means they stay on AoS and not being written off completely. And that Mack is coming back.
And there will be Muppets to cheer me up.