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Grey's Anatomy [The BIG SPOILER for last night Greys Anatomy] Ever since the whole Washington plot started I suspected that Patrick Dempsey wanted to leave. I thought it was temporary for other projects or maybe the affair could explain why he doesn't even talk to Meredith. But then he came back and was all zen about it and about Amelia taking his place and I was "he's way to happy and nice - he is going to die". This is Grey's Anatomy - almost no one gets to just leave - if you work at that hospital you die. And the accident itself was ridiculous (blocking the way on a turn because phone rang - he should've had more sense especially after witnessing all those accidents) but I liked how he was running commentary on his own treatment.
I liked how Meredith's default for this is stoic and rational (instead of standard ugly crying they normally make actors do - especially women) but this is also such a tv death. On TV people never have family outside the one person we watch. You just get that one person to deal with everything as if they live in vacuum. This is why all the Mark's money went to Sofia and there is no sign of the rest of Grey family when Lexie dies and Meredith never even thinks to notify Derek's mother and sisters. Not even the one that's in the same city and might've wanted to say goodbye before he was disconnected. People on TV are horribly self-centred in moments like that. (Also I'm pretty sure Meredith is pregnant because on TV woman puking is a sure sign of pregnancy - men can be sick, drunk or disgusted but women are always pregnant.)
Scandal [Another BIG SPOILER] I'm glad Jake survived. I watched Blacklist live because I didn't want to know in case he didn't and then checked spoilers before watching DVR. He's one of my favourite characters on this show as he does much less monologuing than everyone else.
The Blacklist [Also SPOILERS] Another close call with death. It's a thing today. Of course I never had any doubts Red would survive. But this has so many other interesting things. Mr. Kaplan's name is Kate and she's even more badass than we thought. The apartment with all those Russian things and that photo that must be Liz with her mother. They called her Masha in that childhood memory. It's Russian diminutive of Maria. We find out what Fulcrum is and who the traitors are. And then there is the whole thing with Tom staying.
They did a lot of retconning and bend themselves out of shape to keep Ryan Eggold on the show. Of course they also trying to make the whole marriage/spying on Liz thing look better for both Red and Tom so they don't loose the audience but also bringing Tom back and pardoning him for his crimes so he doesn't have to hide from the law any more. The whole thing was ridiculous even by The Blacklist standards. However, I do like looking at Ryan Eggold and I don't feel repulsed by Tom and Liz so I don't mind that much.
I know a lot of people compare Tom/Liz with Skye/Ward (I unfortunately peaked at fandom) but I don't think it's right. Yes, on the base level they both are undercover agents and lie to get close to people they are to betray but you know Tom doesn't kill any of his of Liz friends. When he is found out he just leaves. If it wasn't for Red who keeps sending him back (from giving him to Liz as a gift to guilting him to come back) he would've been gone from her life. He understood that he broke her trust and when she said goodbye it's time leave. Ward kept kidnapping Skye and ignoring her implicit statements that she doesn't want to see him again or go anywhere with him. It not that he is on the other side. Not even that he's bad person (we knew he killed for SHIELD). I'm not immune to redemptions storylines (Regina or Helena for example worked on me very well). It's that Ward is self-centred dangerous stalker and creep who thinks that the fact that he feels something gives him the right to force others to oblige. Tom doesn't do that. He lets Liz pick the time and scope of their interactions and that's enough for me to like Tom and Liz together.
I can't say the same about Liz/Red for similar reasons I listed before. Red manipulates Liz for his own ends and in between treats her like a child not equal (thinks he knows better and has the right to decide what is best for her). He wants to control her and that's not a good way to start romantic relationship. I like Ressler but I'm also big on partners being just partners (and I hated that they fridged his girlfriend) so I hope they stay this way. For me the best solution would be if Liz didn't have to have love interest, Tom got the boat and left to finally be Jacob for a while and maybe they could meet as Jake and Mary one day .
Elementary - for this one all I wanted to say is that I feel like writers are slacking. I've been able to figure out the perpetrator half way through the episode for a while now. And notice connections before Sherlock which is not how it should work.