Today on Doctor Who we learnt that Doctor uses Google maps for Terrestrial navigation. With the prevalent use of iPads in the future it looks like someone is going to look really dated in a few years.
[Spoiler (click to open)]Last week the Doctor leant Clara was lying to him and today so did Danny. Of course then she did it again - to save the Doctor. As Doctor said last week - great survival skill but bad habit.
It also showcased the difference between Danny and Clara. She was all: amazing forest - contact the Doctor - mystery to solve - go and see the flare. He was concentrated on making sure the kids were safe and getting them home. She'd rather go with the Doctor and he'd rather stay with the kids. And he even forgave Clara's lying. Again. He's almost too nice and grown up for Doctor Who.
The premise of the episode was once again completely ridiculous but, unlike the Moon episode, in this one the emotional point wasn't undermined by its inaccuracies so I could ignore the magical appearances and disappearances of biomass and all that magical solar flare dissolving by trees (but what about satellites and ISS?). But I liked the call backs to previous episodes - even the Moon one.
Also interesting - this series has many more kids in it. It's much easier to remember I shouldn't overthink the science because it's a kid's show when there are kids listening to Doctor's ramblings.
Also Missy is interfering with the Doctor more and more and it looks like this is only going to get more intense.
I should also probably admit that I finally liked the whole episode of Intruders. I watched the final episode and it was almost fun.
[Spoiler (click to open)] Jack Whelan finally stopped whining about not believing and did a lot of reasonable things - from calling help to burning the Qui Reverti stuff to saving Madison. And then he was invited to be a Shepherd. I'm pretty sure he will accept to get closer to Rose. Now that he knows what she is the only way to keep track of the whole thing is to be close to those people. But I'm not sure why they want him after he destroyed the ability to return for so many of them. Maybe they believe that if they keep him close he'll cause less damage?
Madison, of course, was always badass and she kicked Marcus out to lake afterlife. Now she's back in charge and alone and herself again and if there is another season Jack will probably try to make Amy do that to Rose.
So the good thing is that Jack has finally faced the truth. Too bad Rose didn't. She still doesn't understand that trying to selfishly bring back her love just destroys more lives and that her boyfriend's problems cannot be solved with new body. Also, is Julian Randol everywhere or what?
I still don't understand how the whole possession thing works as Rose in charge 9-10 years ago before Madison was born) to bury Marcus but then Amy was herself again? I thought once they were awaken the Reverti gradually took over in matter of days/weeks/months at most and the original personality just went dormant. Here it looks like they switched for years and Amy and Jack not only moved to Seattle and almost had a baby but Richard Shepherd fell in love with Amy too before Rose took over completely.