Tomorrow a partial solar eclipse is going to be visible in almost all of the North America and far eastern Russia and northern Japan. If you are in any of those places and it's sunny you can see it too.
Eclipse calculator allows you to find a close city to see the times the eclipse is going to be visible where you are and how much of the sun is going to be covered. For me it's going to be below 40% but in northern US and Canada it can be up to 90%. So if you have something to look through (don't use sunglasses or look directly at the Sun!) it can be a pretty cool view. I use multiple layers of large overexposed and developed film but that's because they are easy to find for me. That type of film is used in biology and one can always find ones from botched experiments in the the dark room. Those are perfect. Welding mask filters and, of course, eclipse glasses work well too. I also have my camera filter I used to take pictures of the annular eclipse. Time to use it again.