I spent yesterday morning till afternoon skyping with my family and then evening having Christmas Eve supper with friends. Then I stay in bed till noon and skyped some more and traditionally finished the day watching Doctor Who. It feels like Christmas.
This whole episode was packed with references and explanations of many things that happened to Eleven but it just was a long goodbye, wasn't it?
A very, very long goodbye. It took something like half a millennium (first time Clara came back it's been 300 years). He must be something like 2000 years old by the end. At the end he finally looks his age (and Matt is very good at playing an old man - he always was - but here he also moved like one).
We see how the religious order of Silence came to be and why they tried to thwart him. And the creatures that cannot be remembered are confessors - you don't remember what you've told them and the Papal Mainfraime keeps you safe (isn't that the perfect jab?). The Bavarian Chapter that broke out (and used Anglicans as their army - this was funny too) to prevent the war at Trenzelore ended up creating this very situation. From the crack in the wall that allowed the Time Lords to send the question was created by them exploding the TARDIS in the first place. To River Song who was trained to kill him but instead kept him alive and helped to thwart all their attempts to make the doctor fell silent before the question was asked. In the process they made human civilisation what it is now. All the explanations.
The question that filled everyone with dread asked in a place you cannot lie just like they said. It brought half the universe over Trenzelore and the monsters that defined the Eleventh were all present - Angels and Cybermen, Daleks and Silents. Even Tasha Lem being converted into Dalek unit and then goaded into becoming herself again was a reference. And she won just like Clara did. And this time Silence fought with the Doctor. One last battle for goodbye.
Once again Clara is the one to save him - the Impossible Girl once again saves him on Trenzelore - this time by convincing the Time Lords to grant him whole new regeneration cycle.
And then comes the regeneration and it's a full of memories again. First we see the fish fingers in custard. Then little Amelia Pond is running through the drawings of the Doctor. We didn't see the face of Amelia - the actress grew up too much probably - but then came the surprise appearance of Amy (and both Matt and Karen are wearing wigs) and then he loses the bowtie because the bowtie is just for 11 (just like the scarf is for Four) and only cool for him and then Bam! - kidney colours ♥
And that speech. That speech about changing but remembering who you used (another reference to the 50 years, wasn't it/) to be even when you move on. And Clara pleading for him not to change (I get it - I don't want Eleven to go no matter how many hundreds of years he lived) but he has to as that's how it always has to be. And then he doesn't even remember how to even fly the TARDIS :P.
I will love 12. My Doctor is always the Doctor that is the current Doctor. But it's always so hard to let go and Matt's Doctor was so cool - bowties and fezes and handwaving. I know I always feel like noone can replace the Doctor because the Doctor is the Doctor and noone else can be him but then he always is the Doctor (I know it doesn't makes any sense but you know what I mean anyway, don't you?). So I know I will be following 12 all the way. But not yet. Not now. Now, I will go and sulk because the Eleventh fell and miss him horribly already.
I need time to process this. Good almost noone is going to be at work tomorrow anyway. I can almost pretend I have two days of Christmas just like at home.
My last question - If it's always winter night (couple of minutes of down don't count) at town of Christmas where do they get food from (and trees and birds)?