Today is 11-12-13 and it's the last date like that in this century. So happy last sequential day to all who got married today to make it easy to remember. But of course dates are just an artificial construct made even less important by
the possibility that the whole Universe might be just a hologram. It's of course a theoretical physics stuff so the fact that the math is sound doesn't make it real but it is a way to give one explanation to both quantum physics and Einstein's theory of gravity.
Another thing that may help reconcile quantum theory may lay with wormholes made by entangled black holes. Entanglement is a term usually associated with quantum particles when two of them, no matter how far apart behave as one and the same particle. It's been used to teleport particles before. Black wholes are points where gravity is so strong nothing can escape it - not even light and the time stands still. In this scenario wormholes - understood as shortcuts between connect distant points in the universe - are black holes that are linked with entanglement. Still doesn't explain how we can use them to travel. I want my space vacations.
I already have to live with the disappointment of now comet in the sky.
There was a very brief moment of hope that some part of the ISON comet might've survived but it's now official - it's gone. That what happenswhen you don't listen to the all the warnings and fly to close to the Sun. That can happen when you are made of ice. We should've called it Icarus or Frosty. What will we do now when the ISON project discovers another comet - call it ISON 2?
But at least Curiosity didn't disappoint and
brought us evidence that there was a fresh water lake where it now threads. A small portion of the Gale Crater, where Curiosity landed last year, was once covered by an ancient Martian lake that could have supported life as we know it for long stretches - perhaps millions of years. It existed there about 3.7 billion years ago so millions of years wasn't a long time but it was about the time that life appeared on Earth so it might've also existed on Mars. Or even it some theories are right it did show up on Mars and then travelled all the way here.