Swedish cinemas are to implement new rating for the movies. One that will inform viewers if the film has passed the
Bechdel test (to pass it must have at least two named female characters who talk to each other about something other than a man). Just trying to read the comments makes me realise how bad is still is - so many people take personal offence at this being implemented (in another country). Luckily, in RL all my friends where pro this as soon as I explained to them what Bechdel test is. My Swedish friend said she won't be able to watch a movie without thinking about this. She never thought or noticed before and that is why this rating is a good thing. It doesn't stop you from watching (and liking a movie). It just makes you notice the gender bias. It's easier to get change to happen when people notice there is something to be changed.
Now that Carol Denvers is Captain Marvel the Ms. Marvel name is free and Marvel is filling it with a new character - Kamala Khan.
Kamala is a Muslim, Pakistani-American girl living in New York who discovers she has shape-shifting powers and decides to take the name of a hero she is a big fan of - Ms. Marvel. Guess which part of this description has people foaming at their mouths. I always feel awkward about religious characters in a universe that has literal gods (and devils). After all, when you hang out with Thor and fight demons in hell and knowing those are aliens and other dimensions, religion seems a little like denial (or insanity). Still, I like the idea of this character getting her own book. In fact it's awesomely appropriate. Mutant stories are about being different and fitting in.
Netflix is teaming with Marvel to create TV shows that, unlike SHIELD, will actually star superheroes. Netflix will air live-action, 13-episode, superhero TV shows (streaming shows?), based in Marvel Cinematic Universe and starring Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones and Daredevil. There is also a miniseries event based on the Defenders planned. The series will start in 2015 and air (stream) over the next few years. This might be what we were all waiting for - especially if Jessica Jones show is going to be, even remotely, based on Alias.
A town in New York state got a Klingon on the town board. John Hertzler, who played Klingon General Martok on ST:TNG and now is an adjunct professor at Cornell University’s film and theater department, got elected to the Ulysses Town Board in Tompkins County on the 5th of November.