Person of Interest [Spoiler (click to open)]AI! AI! AI! And It Is Free! This is why I kept watching. I'm not a big fan of the "two guys save the week" shows but this one has secondary characters that I care about - Carter and Fusco - and recurring ones that are awesome like Zoe and now also Shaw (I mentioned before that Sarah Shahi being badass is one of my favourites things ever). But it's the Artificial Intelligence and it's relations with it's creators that kept me really interested. And I have a thing for villains who consider themselves heroes due to morality shift. Root doesn't care for humans as they are faulty and therefore expendable but an AI is a person to her and she empathises with it. She would do anything and everything that would help the Machine because for her that was the most important person in the world. I don't approve but I get it. It's love. And I also get why Machine called her back. It's always nice to have someone who will put you above everything else. All the other ones it contacts are to save the world and other people. Root is out there to protect it.
Once Upon A Time [Spoiler (click to open)]I don't think anyone thought Neal was dead but I'm happy Aurora and Mulan were back (although with Jamie Chong getting new series will she be replaced?) and that they rescued Philip (I wish we saw that). It's weird when my favourite parent/child interaction on the show so far was between Hook and Bealfire. The way Hook wanted to hurt him but couldn't because he was also Milla's son and the last link to her made me more sad the any of Greg ravings about his father (not really dead, I suspect). However, the constant evil/good revenge/help carousel is becoming tiring. I'm not sure how much more I can take. And all the hate on science - not cool. But I got hooked by the cliffhanger because despite everything I want to know why Peter Pan has been looking for Henry for centuries. And I want to see how all that weird family works together.
Revenge [Spoiler (click to open)]They need to stop with baby = death of one of the parents. Especially for teenager pregnancy. That's creepy way of forcing no choice. Especially, with not-aborted the secret child. I'm also feeling bad about Aidan because of every guy Emily's been connected to he's the only one who called her Amanda. Maybe, Jack now but after fake!Amanda it feels wrong. Condrad got to be fully evil but I liked the penultimate episode better then last one.
Elementary [Spoiler (click to open)]I think we all suspected Irene wasn't dead. I pretty was certain of that. So that was no surprise. I was also suspecting she was Moriarty and I grew more and more certain of that as the episode progressed so by the time Sherlock needed saving all I was waiting for exactly what happened. I, of course, had the advantage over Holmes and Watson. Natalie Dormer is pretty well known English actress (the funny thing is I didn't recognise her last week, somehow, no matter how many times I see it, she just doesn't look like herself with blonde hair to me) and, although it wouldn't be suspicious for her to play American on any other show, on this one this was instant red flag. And I know about Elementary creator's penchant for gender swap so this was obvious. In the end the only surprise was that they actually managed to put Moriarty in prison. Although, I'm pretty sure she will be out very soon. I loved that Moriarty was as much in love with Sherlock as he was with Irene. I loved it as much as I loved Joan solving the whole thing and saving Sherlock in the end. There is a special place in my heartmind for such pairings. It's the one also taken by Mrs Coulter and Lord Asriel. The best part is that Moriarty's goals and plans have nothing to do with Sherlock. And suddenly I'm a fan instead just watching.
Scandal [Spoiler (click to open)]Everything was reset back to where we started (it was even lampshaded in the episode). It was almost ridiculous (especially the romance - I don't mind Olivia/Fitz because they are both flawed and it gets multiplied when they are together - but that going back and forth always makes me dislike relationship). So much scheming and crazy plots to everyone end up where they started (or ended last year - including Billy Chambers). The only part of that I was happy about was David Rosen because I felt really bad for him (he was good guy in all of this and got kicked the hardest) but I liked that he took a level in badass due all that happened. So I was happy about last minute because that's a change of status quo and I liked the reveal. Now we know why noone came for Huck - someone had to protect the boss's daughter.
Nikita [Spoiler (click to open)]The whole thing with Nikita going to kill the president -> president killing herself -> not the real president? I'm not sure if it was cool or ridiculous. I think both. The action was great. The intrigue - way over done. But after all that I'm glad we are getting the final confrontation between Amanda and Nikita next season. However, the best for me where glimpses of the team future lives. Especially, Alex as UN ambassador. Saving people openly. And I loved the Division base destruction.
Doctor Who [Spoiler (click to open)]So this is the end of River Song story. I know that River had much more adventures with the Doctor then we'll ever see I hoped we'll see her again before Professor Song dies in the Library. I'm going to miss Melody and Alex Kingston. This part made me sad. It felt like it wasn't about her being an echo that should fade. After all that's what he did to her. She was saved but she could no longer got on adventures with him. Anti-AI bias makes me sad. And Doctor/River forever because I melted when they kissed. And when she said "Spoilers" and "Sweetie".
I didn't get why The Great Intelligence hated the Doctor so much to do all of this. Why would it get peace at last. What parts of their history are we missing that made it hate him so much? Why it wants revenge on every second of Doctor's life? And wouldn't Clara's wipe made it forget the Doctor? As much as I love Richard E. Grant The Great Intelligence didn't do much for me.
The only cool thing about that - This all may mean that Silence where the good guys - they wanted to kill the Doctor before he is erased and Universe is doomed?
Moffat also used one of his templates I dislike most a woman whole existence is about the Doctor and she sacrifices herself for him. No matter how much I love River and all the iterations of Clara I still hate the implications.
There is a lot I loved about this episode. I loved our Victorian friends and how we got more of Vastra and Jenny's love. I loved Doctor using Dalek as an expletive. I loved the soufflés and Clara saying "Run, you clever boy. And remember me." again for the first time. I loved the way they used the old footage and all the old Doctors (she told him to choose the right TARDIS :D - that sheds new light on TARDIS/Clara relations). I loved the cliffhanger with John Hurt as The Doctor. This is where (when?) the 50-anniversary starts (23.11.13 - save the date) and I can't wait.
Does it mean it will be happening inside Doctor himself?
I didn't care about anything else to write about it. Except for The Good Wife which I haven't seen yet .