This year io9's March TV Madness is about finding
The Greatest Sci-Fi Shows Ever! It's already on the second half of round 1 and it has all my favourites - Doctor Who, Farscape, BSG, TTSC, Red Dwarf and ST:TNG and The Middleman (only the last one is losing :( ). Of course, taught by previous experience, they eliminated Wheadon shows (because everyone knows Firefly would have won just like Serenity and River did). Wheadon shows are to get their own poll. I hope you can curb your disappointment.
The Suvudu 2013 Cage Match opened
the second round and it's time for the match of the Match - Gandalf vs. The Doctor. I'm picking the losing side in about half of them.
Fandom Steel Cage Match March Madness has already reached the
Elite Eight stage. It's all female now (yay!) but I seem to pick the losing sides (:( ).