Random thoughts on Heroes

Nov 19, 2007 19:40

After watching few latest episodes I decided to finally write down what bothered me. This is very long and not in any particular order.

Four Months Ago kind of explained Nathan’s non-congressmanness - after all he spent few months heavily burned in hospital. This looked like 3rd degrees burns on large part of his body it means years of skin transplantations and rehabilitation. He probably resigned and it was announced by either Angela or Heidi.

So Angela’s Petrelli’s power is suggestion. It seems more subtle then Eden who couldn’t be opposed and could just tell people what to do instead just suggest what they should think and how to react. It also seems to involve a lot of touching. I think it’s bit creepy how she made Heidi disbelieve everything Nathan said, especially about powers. Although I wonder how she dealt with the paralysis being gone (not to mention public opinion) - hard to hide such a obvious miracle and if Linderman had powers why not Nathan.

I’m really mad at how they got rid of DL. Actually I’m mad they got rid of DL period. I hoped Nikki, DL and Micah would get to be family and we’d see more interactions between them. I wish we’d got more family time like this. Like with the Bennets. Or Petrellis. Little stuff. It was what makes these last two families so beloved. The little everyday interactions are what make you get into relationships, family or romantic. When it’s all just all about the plot - running away from each other Nikki/DL or running with each other Maya and Alejandro - it’s too cold and detached to really like the characters. Nikki and DL shined and got to be likeable when with Micah but not with each other - except the last episode of season one and now this.

There’s a similar problem with West - he got introduced as ‘The Boyfriend’ instead of just a boy who befriends her and then they start to fall for each other. He seemed to single her out for some reason and then follows her, molest her with questions, spied on her. That’s why people liked Zach so much more. If they just hang out together commenting on high school life, met on same classes, turned out to have similar interests and then discovered their secrets by accident. Especially if it was Claire who’d discover West could fly and then had to deal whether to tell him about her or not. Then we would probably like him more instead of being creeped out by him. And he gets more and more creepy.
It’s like Simone was ‘The Girlfriend’ and everybody hate her. Kaitlin was more likable because she was also a sister and a friend.

The Peter gets shirtless/naked every episode starts to embarrassing. Milo is a person you know not just piece of meat. He gets objectified and it’s almost like sexual harassment but I’m not sure whether I should blame producers or fangirls.

I'm probably one of very few people who'd wish the twins would kill Sylar. I hope Maya gets emotional with him and Alejandro would just let him die. But I'm afraid his fanbase is too big and it really matter on this show.
What I'm really afraid of is that Alejandro will die and Maya will be left with Sylar (and no I'm not spoiled it's just a speculation for the fact that the whole spotlight was on Dania and Alejandro can't speak English).

On the geography subject - how they seem to wonder aimlessly through South and Middle America. All I can say that maybe they just wandered through South America hiding form authorities and people in general, since crossing borders is obviously so easy there, until they happened to find Chandra Suresh's book in English laying in some bookstore because books on genetics are so popular and decided to go to New York, because info about him working as a cab driver there was on the cover, you know.
And on them turning out to be Dominican - just be happy they didn't turn out to be Brazilian. After all isn’t all South America one and the same and Hispanic? ;P

I have a bit more favorable view on The Haitian having on name then most. I treat t bit like the fact that they didn’t tell us Mr. Bennet’s name until the last episode of season one. They probably reveal it in some flashback/exposure moment. Plus Haitian is a sidekick character and was so from the beginning and I think it suppose to make him more mysterious. Plus everybody thought he couldn’t speak so they gave him a nickname and he didn’t protest.
Still he can talk now so somebody might have asked already. So probably Bennet knows and Angel Petrelli too. I hope we will know too. And soon. Because I must say that I found it ridiculous that when Mohinder was sent to find him on Haiti. Wonder how Mohinder found him - was he asking for Haitian? Not hard on Haiti. Its finding non-Haitians that would be a problem there. That was a bit over the top. After all the Haitian went home to die, surely people there know him by something other then Haitian.

And what’s with the Shanti virus thing. What I understood from last season both Mohinder’s sister and Molly had some genetic sickness that developed with age and eventually killed them and Mohinder’s blood was a cure but it was more like leukemia. I mean something that comes from your body malfunctioning instead of something you can get infected with. It seems sickness is sickness and they are all the same. I bet they believe cancer is contagious. Bad science. Again.

For all my love for Hiro his feudal Japan storyline is not exactly a high poit of this season. I’m more and more irritated by it and I loved it at the beginning. It started to feel fishy when Kensei came back from the fight with 90 Angry Ronin without a scratch. I mean he regenerates but his armor doesn’t. Shouldn’t he have came back all crumpled? I remember suspecting he cut a deal with them but it seemed his newfound heroism was genuine. And he really fell in love with Yaeko and she with him and he did many heroic deeds. Then Yaeko discovers the first time it wasn’t Kensei and suddenly decides all the noble things were done by Hiro and she loves only him. And Kensei, who has a knack to be at the spot Hiro teleports to, sees their kiss and really cuts a deal with White Beard.
The worst is I liked her at the beginning. Unfortunately she fells victim to the character assassination and becomes incredibly stupid. I could’ve accepted the love - after all she fell in love with the man under cherry blossoms. But the heroic acts? All those trials when Kensei went and died so she could find her father, all the time they spent together traveling and suddenly it means nothing. She doesn’t even have any regrets. Just ‘Hiro I love you so much’.
And Kensei really was better of as drunk - no stupid princesses or dieing - he was happy, Hiro made him miserable. Hiro should have left him alone and just do it all himself instead of forcing it on other people and then taking the credit. Expecting 17th century British mercenary to care about future. I kind of expected him to go and kill the Emperor or something.
Also when Hero became so good with sword fighting - his one day training with his father about how to stick a sword into unarmed man? Against guy with years of practice and a lot of recent fight experience. He should’ve stopped the time.
I hope he doesn’t lived all these years obsessed about revenge on Hiro. There are much better things to do with centuries of life and I hope he had fun.

I thought Kensei/Adam would loose the English accent after all these centuries to, you know, blend in better (and so David Anders can finally speak normally). Still it’s very sexy and he’s great at it and I’m glad he didn’t even if the actor has to work more. After all he’s not the only one faking accent on tv and he’s good at it.

heroes, tv

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