My asthma was officially diagnosed when I was a teenager but I had symptoms before that. So maybe I'm one of those -
children who develop asthma by age seven have deficits in lung function and increased bronchial responsiveness as neonates.
Rapamycin is used in transplant rejection and treat cancer (and an antibiotic in labs). However, it has been shown to have some interesting side effects in mammals like extension of life, but unfortunately it simultaneously causes diabetes.
It looks like now we know why and the group that found out is looking for the version that is free of the unwanted side effects. Just like our ancestors big problem was hunger, ours is over abundance of calories with obesity and diabetes coming with it.
And the answers about how it works lies in microRNAs or maybe just the fact that the microRNAs are the newest 'it' molecule.
The sunflowers in Van Gogh's paintings have very distinctive look and
here is the description of mutations leading to the various types of flowers seen on the paintings. The NewScientist has a special issue about religion - why do we do it and what was the advantage of belief.
You can see the preview on the web but unfortunately one needs to be subscribed to see the whole thing.