I watched two first episodes of Alcatraz yesterday. It was OK but it wasn't great. Sam Neill was great of course and I have a soft spot for Jeffrey Pierce since I watched Charlie Jade but that's not enough to make a compelling.
I like Rebecca Madsen but her story so far is make mostly out of cliches - never gives up on a case, fridged partner we knew for 5 seconds whose killer is involved in the whole conspiracy, family connections to the force and case. Seriously, it couldn't be more cliche if they picked tvtropes at random. The reluctance to get new partner made me want to bang my head on the wall. However, Sarah Jones somehow stops Rebecca from being complete caricature so it was nice.
The sad part is that the person who I found most interesting was Jack Sylvane so I'm glad he is not dead but I feel bad for him. Also, I felt he killed those policemen so we feel that him getting imprisoned again in that underground facility was OK, however I just felt sorry for him. It was also the moment I realised I dislike Emerson Hauser. I mean, Sam Neill is great playing asshole and his treatment of Rebecca was bad but amusing. However, I don't understand why he needs to do his Alcatraz guard routine in his super secret underground lair. It just ended up with me hoping for the great escape. I also wonder how old is he - if he was starting as a guard in 1960 he should be at least 70 (18+52), right?
I kept thinking that Parminder Nagra's character is underutilised and they almost lost me when it looked like they killed her (after the partner thing it was just to much). But now Lucy is the reason I'm even considering watching next episode. I wonder if she's immortal or also skipped through time. This and her comment about working on it without Hauser made me wonder if it's really her project and he used to be Rebecca.
I don't have anything to say about Jorge Garcia's character. For someone who was the main focus of talk for the ad campaign he was surprisingly bland.
I'm trying to decide if it's better Monday entertainment then Terra Nova and I'm not sure. Maybe it'll get better.