It has been officially confirmed that Anne McCaffrey died of a massive stroke at home in Ireland yesterday. She has been living in Ireland for years raising horses and writing books.
As most people probably I first had contact with her work by reading Dragonriders of Pern. I still like to point out to people it SF not fantasy when I feel nitpicky. I eventually gave up on the series when I grew out of that era adventure sci-fi but not before sampling various other McCaffrey universes from the Crystal Singers, through Talents to The Brain and Brawn Ship series. They were fun and entertaining and I liked them as a teenager. I then moved into darker and more science oriented universes but they stayed a part of my road to science fiction. I would still recommend them to any teenagers starting reading the genre.
She was inducted into the SF Hall of Fame and was a SFWA Grand Master and a Robert A. Heinlein Award recipient. She was one of the last of that group of sf writers called the classics of SF, the ones everyone always tells you to read. It's always sad to see them go even though one realises it's inevitable. Somehow I always believed that the great SF writers will manage to live forever.