YES! My dream final is happening.
Vin against Quick Ben. I don't even care who wins in the end. I'm just happy they both got to the final.
This is something I've been hoping for from the start. From my previous post about this you know I was sure Vin was going to make it, although it was pretty close in the match against Jon Snow. She was leading for a couple of days and then in the end Jon closed the gap but didn't managed to overtake her.
She won with 11 369 votes to 10 870. That's over 10 thousand votes for each of them. Even if some people voted several times this is a pretty good turnout for some poll on a sf book site.
But I still can't believe Quick Ben won in the poll against a Wheel of Time character. And by quite a lot - over 2000 votes. I didn't dare he would move past Pug. I didn't even consider him being able to reach final match. There is more malazan fans then I expected or the people actually vote for the more powerful one who would actually win a fight. Inconceivable! On an internet poll! Or amybe ti was GRRM fans voting against Sanderson.
The discussion was heated - there is record 445 comments under that post. The were people who just voted for their favourite characters against those who were advocating voting for the one who would win actual fight. The fight spilled far from Suvudu. One of the most prominent WoT fans have been badly bashed by the community for siding with the side that called for voting for more powerful character and admitting publicly voting for Quick Ben. It got ugly.
I didn't posted about this match as the call to vote has been advertised far and wide. I got a message from malazan fan page on facebook and WoT fans got one too as far as I know. did posts calling for votes for both Quick and Perrin (not surprisingly as they publish both series and do rereads for them - well, actually they publish all semifinalist series). In the previous Vin vs. Jon Snow match people were also rallied by twitter. I didn't expected it to go so far. It actually became a fandom wide event.
The final match between Vin and QB is starting on April 6th. And in between
there is a contest for best write up of the match for 3rd place between to wolf boys Perrin and Jon Snow on Suvudu and
Theresa Gray is having her own contest for best write up of Quick vs. Vin. This is much more fun then I expected.