My parents are complaining about the weather in Poland. This was a very harsh and long winter and it's still not quite over yet. There was just a light snow and minus temperatures at morning. This time of year and late autumn (especially November) are the moments when I really enjoy the fact I moved south. It was almost like summer in the past couple of days. It was sunny and hot (28o) in last couple of days. But it was not a humid heat of summer here. It was dry, with colder night and slight wind. Otherwise known a s perfect weather. If I could choose it would stay like that whole summer. Just without the blooming trees as they cause my asthma to go to overdrive. I'm barley able to walk for a short time before being out of breath even though I'm on the meds. Unfortunately. this is much worse here then in Poland and reminds me onec again that I love spring best on pictures. But pictures are sure pretty: Redbud:
Flowering quince and pieris
Today it's cloudy and (relatively) cold but I'm sure it won't last long. I'm as always at this time of year I'm hoping for rain.