May 07, 2009 15:38
My allergies come with spring. I’m starting to get sleepy all the time, I tire just running few metres and I get muscle soreness from walking up the stairs. But even during spring it’s not all the same all the season. Twice it gets worse. I recognise these times by visual clues that are not directly responsible for what is happening but they let me know it is time. First time it’s usually when the plums are blooming - usually end of April. It’s also the time birches and willows are blooming and there are probably responsible for my problems but are not as showy. Then I usually have few weeks of reprieve before the second wave hits. The second is when polars are seeding - it’s that white, cotton-like stuff that makes it look like it snowed in June. And as I mentioned it’s usually at the beginning of June when this happens. It is also the time for grasses to pollinate. After that it gets better and I can get off meds.
This year everything is blooming and pollinating so fast I get no reprieve. Plums just stopped blooming. Poplars are already spreading seeds. I’m sure grasses already started too.
Everything came to fast. The white, poplar fluffs are everywhere. Robinias have leaves, will bloom soon probably. Laburnums and wisterias are blooming. So are hawthorns. All of them are typically end of May/ beginning of June. I already mentioned azaleas blooming. Apple and cherry trees are almost done already. I’m expecting linden any day now (and that’s a July tree here if you don’t know).
Good it at least rained yesterday. I managed to catch a breath. But today it’s sunny again. Just a little bit colder. And even that won’t last - tomorrow 22oC again.