Nov 05, 2006 01:47
Just checking in to prove that I haven't faded into total obscurity. *g* Life could be better, but it has been much worse so I'm certainly not going to complain. Things seem to move in waves or cycles. After two or three very trying years, which I only survived by the grace of my friends, some of whom are on this list, I have progressed to a state of calm and even of optismism. Some months ago I determined to approach everything with a positive outlook. It is not always easy but it *is* at least always annoying to everyone around you. Whether it is, indeed, the "power of positive thinking" or simple chance, things have begun to go my way, in small matters anyway. I get sunshine when I need sunshine, the car unexpectedly passes its safety inspection, I catch the cat before he shreds the *entire* roll of paper towels. That sort of thing.
I did have a trying day at work yesterday, but even that could have been worse. After all, of the fourteen cases (56 gallons) of apple cider that came crashing violently to the floor, only seven gallons actually burst open. :-/
I'm working on a murder mystery (original) but it's going slowly at this point. I think perhaps I'm taking it too seriously. That and writing original stuff is always more challenging to me because part way through I tend to lose faith in anyone being interested in my story or caring passionately enough about my characters to keep reading. Also, I've never finished a novel-length story of any kind. I'm toying with the idea (though I realize I'd be starting late) of working additionally on a NaNoWriMo project. Nothing too polished, just a make-it-up-as-you-go bit of nonsense to prove to myself that I can write and finish something of that length. I have half an idea about a British Victorian gentleman somehow winding up in modern mid-America. The idea practically begs to be a romance novel, but I don't think I can write romance because in romance novels all the men have to be gorgeous and sexy (and preferably rich) and all the women have to be skinny and beautiful and spunky, and I don't think I can write characters that -- what's a good word -- that sugar-coated? That artificial? They make me think of marshmallow Peeps, for some reason.
Anyway, that's my life in a nutshell right now. Just, as I said, checking in to prove I'm still here.