Quirks meme

Dec 12, 2005 13:04

Sithdragn tagged "anyone who hasn't done it yet" so I guess that's me. *g*

Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirks as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
1.  I have a tendency to narrate my life in my head.  For example, I'll sit down at the keyboard and think, "she sat down at the computer meaning to work but knowing she was probably going to wind up goofing off."

2. It's fading now, but I used to have an almost perfect auditory memory.  When working drive thru at my old job I could take an enormous order from the back of the store and, with no conscious knowledge of what it was, ring it in and read it back just by going on a sort of instinct.  This memory trick used to make my mom nuts, btw.  When I was little I'd go to town with her.  We'd get back and she'd tell my dad, "we saw your friend so and so and he said blah blah blah" and I'd butt in with, "no, mom!  He said 'ladaladala' and then you said 'yaddah yaddah' and then he said . . . "  And then she'd say, "go play outside". *g*

3.  I believe in ghosts.  Is this a quirk?  I've seen two and the Taco Bell where I worked for years was haunted (though I never saw that one, just heard it).  I don't know exactly what they are, (spirit of the dead, atmospheric photograph, time slip, etc.) but I do believe they are something.  Of course most reports of hauntings trace back to something normal that's been misunderstood (squirrels in the attic for example) but not all.  And surprisingly few are the work of nefarious criminals who want to scare people away from their counterfeiting operations, Scooby Doo notwithstanding. :)

4.  I tend to have vivid, highly detailed dreams that often take the form of a story which seems (at the time) to make perfect sense.  I also often remember my dreams.

5.  Occasionally I have these sort of mental lapses.  I don't know how to describe them exactly.  For example, I might be driving and suddenly realize that I have no idea where I am, where I'm going, what day it is, etc.  Usually it passes fairly quickly if I can find something familiar like a road sign or something to trigger my memory like "books on the seat . . . I've been to a used bookstore . . . oh, yeah!  I'm on my way home from Springfield!"  I'm not sure it's connected tot his, but I also got lost on the way home the other night.  I was driving my normal route along the back roads and suddenly realized that nothing looked familiar.  I turned around and when I figured out where I was I'd passed my turn and driven two or three miles beyond.  It was just odd.  I swear I don't remember driving down that road! *g*

Okay, now I'm going to tag
cousinnat leethet nsandik and, um, anyone else who wants to do it. :)
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