Feb 22, 2005 11:25
So, now that I'm not sick anymore, its time to make up all those papers and all the reading and studying I had a reason not to do. So, i have to write a 1 pg history reading response, an 5 page paper with footnotes and shit(i hate footnotes), I have to make up 3 japanese quizzes, in addition to the one we're having in class on thurs, i have an anthropology reading response due on thurs, huge GCOM group presentation to work on. then next week i have 3 midterms. THEN SPRING BREAK!!!
I feel all kinds of bad for kristin, because of what happened on friday, Jeff's friends all think she's a horrible person. i mean she makes mistakes, we all do, that may have been one hell of a mistake but they still don't have good reason to judge her that harshly. I still love you kristin:)
on happier note, kristin and I are going to GMU this weekend to visit jeff. He's gonna pick us up on friday, then on saturday, he's gonna drive us to manassas to pick up kristin's car, then we're gonna go back to GMU then to JMU on sunday... hopefuly itll be a good weekend before the midterm cramming starts.
well i have to figure out what my anthropolgy hw was before i leave for history... peace