Drabbles: "A Few Words," Tumblr Drabbles III, TVXQ/DBSK/Tohoshinki

Jul 15, 2012 14:02

Rating: G
Summary: A collection of drabbles and requests I've filled for Tumblr followers. Most were written on the spur of the moment, so please forgive quick plots, little to no backstory and casual prose.
Warning: Drabbles will be labeled with an individual warning.
Disclaimer: The TVXQ members belong to themselves. All other rights belong to S.M. Entertainment, Avex, C-JeS and Time Warner Entertainment.

Third Wheel (unrequited YooSu)

“I’m sorry,” Yoochun says with a pitying grin. He says this as if he’s apologizing for accidentally eating the last of the bibimbap instead of shattering Junsu’s heart. “You’re like my brother, Su. I don’t see you that way. I could never see any of the members that way.”

Except, Junsu thinks Yoochun does see Jaejoong that way. The two of them joke and giggle during interviews, heads pressed closed together, while Junsu’s left to stare awkwardly at the camera.

He can’t blame Yoochun for being drawn to their hyung. Jaejoong sparkles because he is always, always, always loved. No matter where they go or who they’re with, he resonates color, noise, glitter and flash. He pulls people in and no one ever forgets Kim Jaejoong.

Junsu tries to shine that bright, but he finds he can only do it with a microphone in his hand. The rest of the time he exists in his own little world. A steadier, quieter, much more sober world.

“I understand,” he tells Yoochun. His face feels like it’s on fire and he’s about to choke on his own agony. Yoochun smiles and gives his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. The gesture is cut short when Jaejoong comes flying into the room-red-faced and smiling-and envelopes Yoochun in a hug.

He watches the two of them (Soulmates hwaiting!) and wonders just when they left him behind.

Needs (JaeMin)

“Who do you like more: Me or Yunho?” Jaejoong asked Changmin as he lounged on the couch. The maknae was stretched out on the floor in front of the couch studying.

“Yunho,” Changmin answered without looking up from his work. “It’s not even close.”

Jaejoong frowned and threw one of the couch’s decorative pillows at the back of the other’s head. “Yunho? Are you kidding me? Who cooks for you? Who takes care of you when you’re sick? Who makes sure you remember to pack a sweatshirt for the plane when we go to Japan?”

Changmin ignored him.

“Me!” Jaejoong answered, with an accompanying hit to the younger boy’s head. “Me, me, me!”

Changmin flipped the page in his textbook. “Hyung, stop hitting me.”

Whack, whack, whack.

The younger singer turned, grabbed Jaejoong’s swinging arm and pulled him to the floor. “Hyung,” he began, as he straddled the other man.

Jaejoong pouted and smacked Changmin upside the head with his free hand.

“Hyung,” he started again. “I like Yunho-hyung. A lot. Definitely more than you. But,” Changmin rolled his eyes and scowled, “but I need you. And to be honest, I can’t even tell you how much.”

Jaejoong stilled. “You mean it?”

“Mean it.” Changmin pressed a kiss to Jaejoong’s jawline before climbing off him and going back to his studies. “Now stop being so petty and let me study. I have a test tomorrow.”

Jaejoong remained on the floor next to Changmin, humming and smiling to himself.

“Don’t get too arrogant, hyung,” Changmin warned. “You still need me much more than I need you. No one would like you if I weren’t around making you look good.”

Jaejoong grabbed his pillow and thwacked the younger boy upside the head.

Fluffy, cheer-up drabble (JaeMin; for dongbangasm)

He was really too fucking old for this shit.

Bubbles and bath gels and all that other sweet-smelling crap that Jaejoong loved.

“Minnie,” Jaejoong whined from the deep, jacuzzi-style bathtub. White foam filled the tub, hiding Jaejoong’s body from view. He raised a hand and blew a cloud of bubbles toward Changmin. “C’mon. It’s no fun without you in here, too.”

Changmin smirked, then dropped the fluffy blue towel wrapped around his waist.

Fine. He would tolerate the childish bullshit Jaejoong always cajoled him into doing. Only as long as they got to indulge in more mature pastimes afterward.

Overdue confessions (2U; requested by timorousbeastie)

“I loved you once, you know.” Yoochun sucked on his cigarette and blew the smoke above their heads.

The acrid smell made Yunho’s eyes water. “Loved?” he asked softly.

“Long ago. In Japan. When things were at their worst,” Yoochun gave him a sad smile. “You’re very easy to love, Yunho-hyung.”

Yunho shifted uncomfortably. “Why are you telling me this now?”

“Today’s a big day. It needed to be said.” Yoochun tapped his ashes over the balcony wall and looked up at the night sky. “Jaejoong-hyung’s feelings are obvious. Junsu is Junsu. He loves everyone and lets everyone know it. I just wanted to you to know how I felt. That I care about you, too.”

Yunho stared down at the traffic below. “Why did you stop?”

Yoochun smiled and turned to look through the glass doors. “No way I could compete with that,” he replied, pointing to where Jaejoong stood in the crowded ballroom. He was surrounded by friends and family, looking dapper in a dark gray suit. His face radiated love and happiness. That was expected; it was his wedding day after all.

Yunho’s gaze softened as he took in the sight of his new husband. After a moment, he seemed to give himself a shake and looked guiltily back at Yoochun.

Yoochun rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry, hyung. It’s Jaejoong,” he said as if that explained everything. “I knew where I stood. And if I couldn’t have you, then there was nobody else I wanted to see you with.”

The older man smiled and looked down at the silver ring on his left hand. They stood, in amicable silence, listening to the sounds of the city.



“Thank you.”


“For loving me.” Yunho turned to gaze inside the brightly lit ballroom. “And for letting him love me, too.”

Fun Times Being an Ass (YunJae)

“I love you.”

“I know.”

Yunho grabbed Jaejoong around his naked waist and dragged him back into the nest of pillows and sheets. “Jerk,” he murmured as he pressed a kiss on the back of his neck. “That’s not what you’re supposed to say.”

Jaejoong snuggled deeper into the other’s embrace and laced his fingers between his. “It’s the truth. I know you love me.” He teased Yunho’s bare leg with his foot. “You just did a damn good job showing me.”

Yunho squeezed Jaejoong’s middle and kissed him behind his ear. “What about me?” he asked with a pout.

“What about you?” Jaejoong replied easily. He ran light touches up and down the arms wrapped around him and leaned his head back against the solid chest behind him.


The older man smiled at the sound of Yunho’s pitiful whine. “Hmmm? Yes, baby?”

Yunho slipped from underneath Jaejoong and rolled them both so that he was straddling the singer. “I love you.”

“That’s nice.”

“Bastard,” Yunho laughed. “Do you love me?”

Jaejoong ran his fingers through Yunho’s messy tufts of hair. “You know the answer to that.”

“Yes, I do,” Yunho answered. “But I like hearing you say it.”

Jaejoong just continued playing with the dancer’s thick hair.

“I love you,” Yunho said again.

“I know.”


The singer smiled and pulled his lover closer. “Stop talking crazy, Yunho-yah. I love you. And you know exactly how much.”

pairing: yoochun/junsu, !request, length: drabble, pairing: yunho/yoochun, pairing: yunho/jaejoong, fandom: tvxq, rating: g, genre: fluff, type: fanfic, pairing: jaejoong/changmin, !tumblr fic, genre: angst, series: a few words

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