
Nov 20, 2008 17:43

Hmm. I was wondering what I would use this livejournal for, seeing as though I have no idea how to use CSS, which kind of made my heart sink as I was excited to make it look "my own". I've never really participated in an online community like this... unless you say Gaia is one although all I do is spam for gold and now i've been reading too much manga to care. hehe Hopefully I don't become too obsessed. eek
Yeah I was really obsessed with Plastic Tree and bought one of their live dvds and intend to buy more... except at the moment trying to get a job. Maybe 2 jobs... I probably won't spend my income (if any) on anything in case I get to go to Japan next year. Except I bet the income I would get would be 1/100th of the amount it costs. Yeah it's over exaggerated... maybe 1/8th? although I'm not sure how much it owuld be anyway. Um nevermind I can't be bothered pretending I can do maths. : P

I guess I still am a big fan... whatever that means o.o I love all their songs even if others say they're bad. Yeah I guess I think "oh it's plastic tree! must be good" but I don't mind listening to all their music in my playlist.

Although I will try to learn CSS in the holidays or something if I can be bothered. I want to also continue drawing and get photoshop. At the moment the only graphic editing programs I have is windows graphic editor, paint and paint net.
Well I guess I can draw oekaki! : D Especially since I have access to a tablet now. For years using a computer mouse... at least I've honed my right hand's skill of accuracy o.o Maybe not so as I'm constantly pressing ctrl+z / undo.
So I was in joy when I saw
defective_story's awesome Ryuutarou layout and had to take. Thank you again.

Oh yeah, I "intend" to try creating a manga. Oh how cliche of a failure. So at the moment I'd rather learn how to draw people from different perpectives and backgrounds. So overwhelming? So in a way disheartened as making a manga is pointless unless I'm actually skillful.

I have a few manga ideas so far except everyone loves the cliche big eye style with like one girl and ten billion guys fighting for her love. Yeah there is much more to it to be successful, I know... I have last resort cliche ideas and some spazzy ones I want to try out.
Well I don't mind any manga as long as it has an interesting plot and is funny, which is what people mostly try to have in their manga. Even manga, which has no plot and is hilarious, I will love. Sket Dance anyone? ^^

Yay procrastinating here instead of doing Japanese homework which is actually very easy.


Camp coming up soon.

Handed in a "do not consent" form yet my friend thinks that they (the teachers) think I'm going because I handed a sheet in. But still no paperwork unless they are waiting for it. Well it's too expensive and I wouldn't get a job to pay for camp ever. Unless it was a fun camp which I foretell of it being a killer; literally.

Aparantly it's compulsory which is silly as it could make poor people cry. Um I couldn't think of a better sentence there... don't think they would cry as I am not at the moment except annoyed. Hmm sleeping in tents, swimming everyday jumping around wearing raincoats in heavy rain. I'm not a swimmer or a camper and prefer my daily dosage of manga. Plus we already had a camp similar to this earlier. And more people bonding is crazy since I know everyone in my year anyway. I guess its no technology for 3 days as you hike and kill yourself.

I can't afford to pay for pain so yeah I won't go. Damn if they force us though which they should not have the power to.

It suddenly started raining very heavily. Ah this annoying weather. In one day I experience nice and bad weather; hot, cold, windy, calm, rainy. Just make a choice! ahh... don't tell me it decided to stop! so indecisive...

Can't clean garden now... yay soggy leaf litter woot. Although yeah should clean the sun room which is extremely hot in hot weather and extremely cold in cold weather. Therefore if you want a cold fast just stay in there for a night except its all messy. A huge room filled with junk. Sounds like a storeroom doesn't it?
Although be aware when it's raining and expect getting your head rained on. Still talking about inside the sun room here...

If it snowed you'd be in trouble.

Hmm stopped playing Perfect World for a now.
Distracted by livejournal, manga and general homework plus avoiding another obsession.

I checked Plastic Tree's official website and it comes up with this:

Through Babel as I fail at translating:

This page is formed by PHP, but because module edition PHP4 becomes abolition, utilization we have stopped being able to receive.

When continuation PHP utilization it receives, please utilize the PHP change tool which is the control panel, do change in CGI edition PHP. You access the control panel with manager authority, -> InsidePlease utilize.

: (

Plastic Tree's most recent album "Utsusemi"

01. ~規則的な四拍子~
02. うつせみ
03. テトリス
04. リプレイ(ウツセミ版)
05. メルト
06. Dummy Box
07. Q
08. フィクション
09. 斜陽
11. バルーン
12. ~晴天、喚声、回転木馬の前~
13. アローンアゲイン、ワンダフルワールド(ウツセミ版)
14. 記憶行き
15. ~三角形の構図~
16. Closer
I was feeling sorry and considerate to people searching for the download of this album and may have found this instead, although I could easily find a download link searching so I will also provide the link here.

Download Utsusemi

Credit to the Uploader but sorry I just quickly searched in google.

I want to buy the limited edition unless it has run out I'll just buy the normal edition. Must get job first.
To buy go on Yesasia.com it has free shipping : D I buy from there.
If you download or purchase, enjoy listening!
I reccommend to get their older tracks. Rockier ones too as well as nice calm ones.

Most recent movie I have watched is Kung Fu Dunk.
If you can't buy it watch it on crunchyroll.com Best website and loads quickly.
Enjoyable movie with laughs and mainly comedy. So don't expect something like "Secret" a past Jay Chou movie which wasn't bad at all (a romance).

I don't know all the actors except for Jay Chou and Eric Tsang... haha since Eric Tsang is in so many movies and maybe a few dramas?

Watch Kung Fu Dunk

Maybe tomorrow will have nicer and more consistent weather, let's hope.

plastic tree utsusemi kung fu dunk

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