Feb 02, 2009 12:33
USING ONLY ONE WORD! (It's not as easy as you might think!) Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's really hard to only use one word answers.
Be sure to tag the person you received it from!
1. Where is your cell phone? couch
2. Your significant other? where?
3. Your hair? messy
4. Your mother? released
5. Your father? reffing
6. Your favorite thing? MJ lol
7. Your dream last night? school
8. Your favorite drink? jack
9. Your dream/goal? success
10. What room you are in? living
11. Your hobby? smoking
12. Your fear? death
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? warmth!
14. Where were you last night? bed
16. Muffins? diet
17. Wish list item? money
18. Where you grew up? Detroit
19. Last thing you did? craved
20. What are you wearing? capris
21. Your TV? Mathis
22. Your pets? HOBIE!
23. Friends? Wifeys!
24. Your life? good. yes, yes it is.