Still awake after our kickback. =D
Shaky start to a new decade but at least I have my major figured out. I'm pretty sure that in 5-10 years, I'm going to be reading back on this and ask myself as to why I was so stupid as to freak out over something so minute in my life, like the SATs in high school. Winter Break 2009 was fantastic. Heck, any kind of getting away from school is amazing. This break consisted of...theme parks, a shooting range and plenty of catching up and food with friends and family. <3 Can never have a bad them with them.
You know how when you really want to drink lemonade and you don't have a juicer and all you have left are your hands to squeeze the lemon juice? Well, my hands are all cracked up because of the dry weather and squeezing the juice burns me like no other...but lemonade is just so addicting. At one point, the pain is so unbearable that I have to take a break from the squeezing. For just that little bit of satisfaction in the the juice worth the squeeze?