International Transgender Day of Visibility

Mar 31, 2021 07:25

I just found out that today is the International Transgender Day of Visibility!

When I sat down to write "Balance" for the Once Upon an Enchanted Forest anthology (now out of print), I didn't at all intend it to have a transgender hero. I only knew I wanted to write a story about autumn and earth magic...and Robin* marched in and took over the story from there.

This is a story is all about being seen the way that you want to be seen, about magic, and about love.

Balance is available for pre-order now:

But if you'd like a free copy, please just message me and I will send you one! (It is about 8k words)

(*Not Robin from Fae Shifter Knights. I'm terrible with names, which is also why I managed to write books starring Tray and Trey WAY too close to each other!)

Originally posted at Dreamwidth: (I'm more likely to reply to comments there!)

writing, elva birch, birch hearts

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