Fridaily with Kindergarten report, writing updates, blathering...

Sep 01, 2017 10:27

Kindergarten is the most splendid invention in the history of child-kind. I was worried that drop-offs would be like they were in pre-school, but it has been like whipped cream. I have to ask for a hug before she goes running off to find her friends in the morning. They have outdoor 'precess' that we drop them off at, and she's either merrily playing with other children, or hunting for them across the playground by the time I leave, all without so much as a backwards glance.

Not-a-book has been doing just fine: it was in the top 500 for a while, and has 20 five-star reviews already (and 1 4 star). If it goes as the others did historically, it will slip a bit, then may rock back up nicely in a few days as people who've downloaded it start reading it. The other books in the series are doing smashing as new readers catch up. I've got some advertising coming out next week to hopefully boost it, too.

I got the story for the anthology revised, and out to the anthology editor and also the Torn World board for a last continuity check. I added about 1500 words to it, and it's a much stronger story now. I hope all the editors like the changes I made. :)

In health, Guppy has been a little snuffy and coughing, and I have a tickle in the back of my throat this morning that I am hitting hard with Emergen-C and tea.

In grief, I continue to be sideswiped by unexpected pockets of painfully missing Norway, often while vacuuming. I still haven't been able to go through all the nice comments.

My mom knitted us matching scarves, aren't they fabulous? Winter is coming...

Off to do work!

Originally posted at Dreamwidth:

writing, grief, norway, not-a-book, guppy, kindergarten

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