First Day, survived.

Aug 17, 2017 20:58

Guppy bounced out of her first day of Kindergarten declaring that she had fun, and that she had done everything the teacher asked. Except sing. But everything else. And she liked the teacher. And she didn't make friends, but she did talk to other kids, and some of them might become friends (she didn't remember any names), and she was hungry and could she have a snack?

Look out, Kindergarten... here comes Guppy.

I got to have brunch with my husband after dropping her off and then went shopping ALL BY MYSELF, and bought tubs of ice cream and hot tamales to help me cope.

Kindergarten stress was the tip of my emotional iceberg today, as Norway is failing very fast, and I'm deeply frustrated by what I'm not able to do, but I also know someone who got stung by 20 hornets today, so it could all be very much worse and I will be grateful for what I have and call the day an overall win.

Originally posted at Dreamwidth:

photos, norway, health, guppy

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