A weekend brag.

Apr 02, 2016 20:13

I'm going to be a bit shameless here, but the last few days, I have hit it out of the park, and I am pleased with myself. Bear with me. Or skip this. I'd understand.

Let me demonstrate with my list from Friday:

140 words for 78 Tarot description.
Release 78tarot art as promised last week. (Oops! I honestly thought I had!)
Z. cameo drawing.
Coloristas - post choices
Coloristas - PM files (uploading now)
Fold laundry + one more washed, dried and folded.
Ship SF originals
April subscriptions (hardcopy and PDF)
Thank you note to MA x2
SF payouts
Finish Tentacle Friends
500 words on novella 6000+ words. Booyeah.

Because I am THAT awesome.

I also scanned Tentacle Friends, and Maiden, Mother, Crone, and took a nearly 2 mile hike with the daughter through the snow, and packed up some orders, and did some administrative stuff, and worked on my Kickstarter. (A huge shout-out to the husband, because there were No. Naps.) I am particularly pleased with the wordcount - 6000! That's... not quite a weekend record for me, probably my next best. My novella is to 19500, and I'm loving it.

(And to be fair, it did take 2 days instead of one to cross everything off, but I'm still chuffed.)

I had to share. Back to your regularly scheduled programming now. Carry on!

This was the final stretch in progress...

artwork, writing, brag, art wip, artwork wip, lists

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