Sep 17, 2013 15:52
I am digging through my archive discs (SEND HELP) for files for the Archivistrix coloring book, and it's coming along smashingly. I have MOSTLY, but not entirely, managed to avoid getting sucked too deep into some of the fascinating things I've found. Like a rough draft of For Pity's Sake, and old email correspondence, and ancient catalogs, and my senior paper for my mechanical engineering degree. There is SO MUCH old art, including many pieces that I had utterly, completely forgotten about. And one painting that I scanned in four parts - all of them at different resolutions (whuh?) and never stitched. I will share some of it with you as I process it; at the moment I'm just dumping it in a 'zold' folder to sort through.
But this I will share now, exactly as I found it in an old draft journal entry. I posted this a long time ago, and it remains largely true.
My daily goals as an artist:
I will draw everyday. Even if I don't think that I have time, inclination, or inspiration.
I will take the chance of ruining a good beginning.
I will try to draw something I haven't drawn before, or something that scares me, or that I know I am not good at.
I will remember that I do not have to like what I've drawn as long as I've learned something from it.
I will not be offended if someone else doesn't like what I've drawn even if I do, or if they see something that is wrong with a drawing that I did not. I will remember to appreciate a discerning eye.
I will retain my humility without becoming discouraged.
I will remind myself that I love art and that it is a marvelous escape, not a curse or a terrible gnawing disease.
I will finish something. And I will remember that I will always want to go back and change things, and that there is a point at which a piece must simply be declared 'finished' or I will never complete anything.
I will use a medium that scares me; ink in its permanency, watercolor in its looseness, or something new that I've never tried.
I will develop my own personal style, something uniquely my own, but I will not be afraid to deviate from it, either.
art wip