Tuesdaily with photos

May 28, 2013 10:22

I am all a-bruised and a-scraped from hauling brush and wood during our working birthday weekend. It was not restful, but it was, in many ways, very satisfying. And WOW. It was a lot of work.

It looks SO different now.

Greenup happened while we were working - the first trees we felled on Saturday had little itty bitty green buds at the tips... and today there are green leaves EVERYWHERE. Poof.

There are voles in my garden; it looks like my chives and my delphiniums have survived, but there is no sign of my lilies or iris and there are %$^&* little holes all over it. I am buying a half dozen mouse traps at the store today and thinning their population. (I would set Velcro loose on them, but she is a spoiled indoor cat and I would like her not to be eaten by a fox.)

Here is a happy Guppy playing with her visiting aunts and cousin E, and trying on a work glove for size.

I have art to do today, it's the last week of Sea Monster Month at Torn World, and there is more laundry to be done!

photos, garden, weather, alaska, life, guppy

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