
Apr 05, 2011 09:26

Many minor frustrations this morning, and an awful night of little sleep, but I also got some news so good that it all balances out into a perfectly fine day so far.

On that note, I am scheduling a Torn World crash course chat. This is intended for contributors, and will be rife with spoilers. (No, really, spoilers... we'll be talking about upcoming plot lines, Upheaval details, world building stuff our characters don't know, and talk about what storylines you might be interested in jumping in on, as well as 'where do I find...?' and 'How do I...?' and 'My account is messed up' and so on.) If you're toying around with getting involved, this will be a valuable event to try to attend. I suggest that you prepare by registering at the site and forums, applying as a contributor, and poking around a little to see where you get lost. I am looking at doing this next Monday, perhaps from noon to two my time (4-6PM ET), but if you'd like to attend, please let me know if this time works for you, and suggest a better time if you've got one; I shall try to accommodate. I'm planning to do the chat via IRC/java, like the Sketch Fest chats. May is 'Sea Monster Month,' and I would love to get some of you new folks up to speed in time to participate!

Your Sketch Fest input has been very valuable! I've got a lot of great improvement ideas. I think the new entrance page may be nearly ready to go, though I'm not yet convinced that the randomization of the sketches is finalized. (That's easy enough to change later, though, and this page is a great improvement on the existing one.

Programming out my ears to do today - Commission-Control is swimming forward, and I got some content for one of my freelance projects. I need to do some finance-y stuff, as well. Oh, and work on the TW anthology - I've got all the permissions, finally, and the TOC is finalized! Just need to fill in some art gaps and make pretty!

On the topic of 'pretty,' I made an appointment with a real hairdresser. I think I shall get highlights, and maybe a cut that involves actual style. (My current look is straight bangs, straight back, because Jake can cut straight lines.) It's driving me a little nuts and I hate it. Unfortunately, I couldn't get in until the end of the month. Alas! At least I'm used to looking this way.
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