Thursdaily with art dump and updates

Mar 31, 2011 15:23

I gymed today, and ow, my muscles. Still, considering I haven't been to the gym in a month (*hangs head*), it was not as bad as I expected it to be!

I don't know what anthology selection looks like to other people, but this is what it looks like to me:

I'm waiting to hear back from Valerie's son about using some of her work now, and then I think we're about there.

I did 7 pieces for Sketch Fest this month, and shockingly, four of them were in color. The last, Willow Mother, I could literally not put down afterwards, and I spent the rest of my Saturday finishing it. I am also particularly pleased with Playing With Fire... I want to do more color sketching like this.

And, I got the final okay on my last commission!

This is a piece for ceelove, who wrote a musical and is pitching the script. As you might imagine, this was a blast to work on, and challenging, too.

I have two pieces in 'paid progress' right now. These are pieces that you may toss some dollars at to see them progress further:

This one is from the last Muse Fusion, and can be funded in 15 minute increments for $5.00. You may add as many as you like to your cart, and whoever adds the most to the progress fund will receive the original (randomly drawn, in the case of ties!). ysabetwordsmith is writing a story for this piece. I'd love to fund it to the inking stage!

This one is through Sketch Fest, and is a single-payer progress piece. (You're guaranteed the original, you choose how much more work gets put into it.)
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