Oct 26, 2004 01:08
I forgive Kevin for any updating he's done. I can't go a whole day either. BUT on a fun note I'm going to make fun of pretty stupid people. I don't mean people who are pretty stupid. I mean pretty people who are really not that bright. Here's the kicker... I'm not going to make this private.
People with problems...
Anyone who has to list their dislikes as often as David Letterman (uh, did I spell that right?) does the top ten...
People who are catty and immature enough to write about not liking catty immature girls.
People who flaunt the wealth of their parents. (My mom drives a Jaguar, our house has 6 bedrooms and an indoor pool, my cat eats her fucking fancy feast out of a crystal bowl which sits on a silver tray on our dining room table.)
Ok... Proper names with two syllables...and 4 needless vowels? Neuilly (nuhoo-eeeee) But I know I'm pretentious.
I'm not really sorry if this offends anyone. I usually am quite fair. Whether you like me or not, if you know me, you know I don't like to be malicious (again... did I spell that right?)
If, while reading this, your brain had problems delegating duties to your one brain cell that usually tells you when to breathe, I'm truly sorry. I hope you haven't turned blue. Then again it might match the streaks...
While I may not be the prettiest girl on stage, I know I can always lay some vicious rhetoric when/where vicious rhetoric is due.
I'm going to go sip a little Champagne (that's actually from the region, not bottled in Napa), and skim through the fashion faux pas the french have listed against the americans. Oh, and Josie tells me that blue is out and that orange is the new pink.
so... Ciao dah-lings,
P.S.--- Ex-trav-a-gan-za... sound it out... Words do get tiresome to type when more than three syllables. Check it out, livejournal comes with a spell check feature.