It's The Money Honey: My Three Month Residency with Truth Out's LadyDrawers Starts Today!

Mar 11, 2014 12:20

This year Ladydrawers, the comics collective led by comix journalist, teacher, writer and editor Anne Elizabeth Moore, has turned its eye to fashion, specifically the exploitative underbelly of the industry. This is a topic close to my heart, so I'm pretty excited to have been asked to do a three month stint, turning in a big ol' scrolling comic each month using one of Anne's scripts.

The first one, It's the Money, Honey, is up today on Truthout! PRevious artists have included Sarah Becan, Julia Gfrörer and Melissa Mendes, so...exciting.

Doing this strip was an unusual technical challenge for me - I'm used to using a page structure, so working in this scroll format was really cool! Here's a peek at the drafted layout that helped me make sense of it all.

Then - to make things extra insane - I pencilled and inked it on a giant piece of illustration board!

Next month, things get even crazier, so keep your eyes peeled for more Ladydrawers! Thanks to Anne and Truthout for a fun gig.

layout, it's the money honey, truthout, scrolling comics, freelance, ladydrawers, anne elizabeth moore

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