OK, I guess I'll expound a bit now about why I'm having the Greatest Summer Ever.
All my life I LOVED to perform. Put me on a stage and I was happy, especially if I was making music. I wanted to grow up to be a rock star! I had that one amazing, tantalizing taste when I was in a band in high school. I was in a band, we were playing music on a stage in front of a ton of people, and the feeling was the most exhilarating rush I'd ever had. Rock climbing is exhilarating. Skydiving is exhilarating. I've done both. But playing music on stage rocked like nothing else. I felt like more than myself up there. It was a feeling of...power, I guess. Jeff calls it power. I think he's right.
Of course, I never did become a rock star. But I always wished I could. Several years ago, at a party at
saphyne's, I asked her if the Flirts of Fancie could use another soprano. She said probably because they were reorganizing at the time, and I should speak to
miatawolf. I did, I was in, and it was very exciting.
We did a few shows here and there and it was a lot of fun. But then we decided to do NYRF. And we got in! And now we ARE doing NYRF! And the best part is...WE'RE ROCKIN' THEIR FREAKIN' SOCKS OFF!!!
OK, so maybe I'm not a rock star, but I'm on stage making music, and people are liking it, and I get to hang with other musicians, and I don't suck on guitar nearly as bad as I thought I did. We're getting compliments left and right, and we just keep getting better.
I've been introducing myself to some of the other musicians, going to their shows, and basically being friendly and stuff. And being on the Guitar Wall of Doom is SUCH a trip. I'm surrounded by guitarists...GOOD guitarists...and I can feel myself improving! Playing guitar with others is something I've always sorely needed to do but never had the self-confidence.
This past weekend was just amazing. Saturday we were all a bit "off"...I was having trouble finding my diaphram (I mean for BREATHING....get your minds out of the gutter!), we all kept forgetting the lines...but we still didn't suck. Matt The Cute Guy from my office showed up and said he really liked our show.
But then Sunday, we all managed to remember all the constructive criticism we'd gotten and we put it all together. And I was thinking we should do Wife's Lament for pubsing, and I went up to
avhi, and before I said it, she said she thought we shoiuld do Wife's Lament for pubsing, and
saphyne said she'd read her mind. It was like we were all on the same wavelength. And that wavelength was GOOD. And we TOTALLY rocked pubsing.
Sunday also I was a bit distracted because I had Deanne with me all afternoon, but she turned out to be a natural-born hawker, and LOVED hawking for Amano and
katemacd's and Reaver's wands booth. Then at pubsing, all the planets aligned or something, because Lionel did this thing about the "next generation" and held little Izzy up, and called all in the audience with babies to hold them up, and Saph pushed Deanne up on the stage with me. So there I was, on stage with my guitar and my little girl. Could it GET any better? I dunno...let's see! I can't wait to see what next weekend brings!