Jul 26, 2005 04:23
today was lovely.
no books, no smelly people, no screaming children.
all was well in our little world.
i am really going to miss that library, though.
it's kinda' sad, actually.
ashley, aleshia and i ventured to marrowbone to greg's mom's house, since he is house-sitting for her for this week. i hate marrowbone. i hate millard. ugh. bad memories.
anyhow, he made us dinner, consisting of mac-n-cheese, mashed potatoes, grilled chicken and chicken strips, and my fried mushrooms. and some cheesecake stuff. it was like ice cream, but not... we looked at pictures, a millard high school yearbook from 1972, and then greg decided he wanted to go to wal-mart. we stopped by ashley's house, and eventually met him in wal-mart parking lot. he got some freon or whatever it is for his air conditioner in his car, and he was trying to put it in there himself. bad idea. the stuff goes everywhere. twenty bucks wasted, along with some valuable time. we then rode around... trying to find something to do. we ended up driving around town for quite some time, we picked up some pedestrian kids from the library, took them to their destination and screamed at random people because i like being looked at like i'm an idiot. it turns me on. ha. anyhow, we got a pizza from caesar's, and ate in the park... then we all went home.
and here i sit. bored. and my ass hurts.
it is so hot in my room, i think i will sleep on the couch tonight.
i've been watching mtv videos, and it's so strange to me. songs that i listen to everyday, i had never seen the video for... it shows how much television i watch. i should start watching more tv. the past couple of days i have been glimpsing minutes or so of cnn, and finding some things interesting... tv is food for the mind, i don't care what they tell you in school. <3
i shall go now, and attempt to sleep.
many things to do tomorrow.
♥ ,