What I Like About New Jersey

Jul 17, 2008 01:41

First off: the gimme. Bon Jovi.

(Aw come on. If I'd put it later on in the list, you'd just roll your eyes even harder.)

The trains ran smoothly and on time, and there were many of them. The stations had human attendants, who were polite and interested in helping passengers get to their destinations. And the trains themselves had conductors to answer questions and take tickets.

Next. I was pretty once. Don't get me wrong: I still have a wicked smile and people have told me I have gorgeous eyes. But I could walk around SF all day long and not attract even a speck of attention. After all, I am of a certain age now, and beyond that, I live in a city where, generally speaking, the boys are prettier than the girls.

And I didn't think anything of it until I went to New Jersey, which should change its motto to "The Compliments State".

As disclosed, I'm no longer new. So I can't attribute my cloak of invisibility strictly to political correctness and the staunch Bay Area tradition of not objectifying women. But it was nice to be in a land where men acted like... men.

Beyond the superficial, I liked that it's incredibly green in New Jersey in summertime. I have forgotten how green it can be in other places.

I liked the look of the sun on the water. I liked that there were many bridges. And I liked seeing people riding their bicycles without helmets. Eeven though I know it's not as safe, they looked like they were having more fun than your typical rider here.
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