Tag, Nederlanders! Hebt u de thee?

Aug 12, 2012 19:45

I am nearly out of my beloved Pickwick Tea:  I speak of the one-bag-makes-a-whole-pot* variety, particularly in the Meloen and the Mango flavours.  They make the World's Best Iced Tea in summer.

If you're coming to NYC or the U.S., I'd happily pay you to transport some.  You can take it out of the box (though the box is pretty cute!) and stick it in a plastic bag in the corner of your luggage.  It won't hurt a bit!

I'll also be at WFC in Toronto in November - if the heat breaks soon, I think I can hold out with my current stash til then....

Thanks in advance for even considering this!

ETA:  Gee, Ellen; welcome to the 21st century!  Where you can get stuff from other countries . . . ONLINE!  blush, blush - who knew a common little Dutch grocery item that of course no one but me knows about in all of the U.S. is actually available for $2.99??????!  Um. You.  Thanks for the links.  Looks like you can get everything but Melon here - including a very nice Cherry, and of course the Mango:  See?  Aren't the little square boxes with pictures of fruit on them just darling?

Thank you, LJ Shoppers!

*As  matociquala once learned to her peril!

tea, shameless begging

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