Stayed up as late as I could last night with Jim Freund & co. on the
WBAI interview - and in the cab home, I listened to the conversation continue with that fabu TuneInRadio app that turns your iPhone into a radio! I love the modern world sometimes. It helps me be old-fashioned in new and exciting ways.
Caught almost enough sleep, then dragged myself out of bed to go to a small radio studio (happily, just 10 blocks from my house) this morning to do interview with the fabulous veteran NPR journalist Frank Stasio (STAY-show) on WUNC's local interview program, "The State of Things." We had a whole 20 minutes all to ourselves - director/producer Sue Zizza, co-author/musician Yale Strom & I - and Frank also played a good clip from the show itself. Did anyone hear it? Did I sound like an idiot?
You can actually listen to the whole WUNC interview archived online - or download it, forsooth -
right here! How cool is that?
Many, many stations are airing The Witches of Lublin this weekend.
See? And Ian Randal Strock gave us a
nice write-up in SFScope online.
Then Sue & I went and had lunch & talked about how to get even more stations to air us next year! Also, how soon we can get the CD produced and the album to for download. Stay tuned. And again, thank you VERY MUCH for your
donations of time, support, and even dollars. When you hear
The Witches of Lublin, I hope you will feel it has all been put to very good use.