More Royalties (I wish!) + e-Books

Nov 29, 2010 11:37

I hope I made it clear in my previous post (meaning: I'm fairly sure I didn't) that my recent royalty check from Thomas the Rhymer was more than $53.71 -- that sum was just the amount necessary to push it over the edge into Earn Out territory.

Also, further late-night scrutiny of the data (when I should have been working on new short story) reveals that I get like 3 times more $$ for every e-book sold than for the paperbacks!! (hey, whaddaya want - I was the kid who was always scribbling stories in math class) - though this might be due to the charmingly antiquate prices still on the covers of my books - aren't new paperbacks more than $6.99 these days?  (Lessee.... .01% of 7.99, less 15%, carry the 1..... Nah, doesn't help)

In related news, my colleague Steve Berman is being very canny on Facebook, posting:

On this cyber-Monday, what does 1.75 buy you? An e-book of my short story collection Second Thoughts: More Queer and Weird Stories. Use the coupon code UM76L (my middle name!). And feel free to share this offer to friends!
$4 on Cyber Monday? What can we get for that? Well, how about the electronic edition of Beth Bernobich's short story collection, A HANDFUL OF PEARLS AND OTHER STORIES. Use coupon code NH84A
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