Clarion deadline: March 1!

Feb 20, 2009 22:23

Since deliasherman has taken it upon herself to post about our delightful last day in Santa Cruz (sniff!)(oh, and I mean that: I've caught a cold, but it's mostly just sniffles, so far. I will delight everyone on the cross-country flight tom'w, I'm sure), it falls to me to fulfill the family duty, as once (and future?) Clarion instructors, to remind you that there is still a week left to send in your Clarion application for Summer 2009. And that this year's instructors - Holly Black, Larissa Lai, Robert Crais, Kim Stanley Robinson, Elizabeth Hand, and Paul Park - include some of the most extraordinarily good and articulate teachers I know. It goes without saying that Clarion always invites good writers, but Black, Robinson, Hand & Park (I don't know the other 2) also have miles of teaching experience under their belts, which is worth even more than being able to put together a good paragraph. Here's the official notice:

Clarion Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers’ Workshop
June 28 to August 8 @ UC San Diego
Deadline to Apply: March 1

Since its inception in 1968, Clarion has been known as the boot camp for writers of speculative fiction. Each year 18 adults are selected from applicants who have the potential for highly successful writing careers. Many graduates have become well-known writers. A large number have won major awards, and some have returned to teach at Clarion. The workshop has been hosted by the UCSD Department of Literature since 2007.

Clarion is widely recognized as the premier training ground for aspiring writers of fantasy, science fiction, and horror. Instructors are among the most respected writers and editors working in the field today. Instructors and students reside together in campus apartments throughout the six-week program.

Clarion is a short story workshop. Applicants must submit two stories with their online application. Scholarships are available. Learn more at

I know it's a lot of time and a lot of money, and that you're dying to do it but this year you can't. Believe me, I know. But just in case.


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