Feb 16, 2005 23:00

So, you know the end of the episode? Where Sawyer comes up to Jack randomly pointing a gun at him? Then Jack says the thing about the Red Socks and Sawyer realises that he'd met Jack's dad?

Okay, so tommy_gnosis and I were sitting here watching that part, and we knew it was about the end of the episode, so even if Sawyer WAS going to tell Jack about meeting his dad, he wouldn't have time. Despite the fact, here's how the last of our watching went down:

Jack: Why do you want to know about my father?
Sawyer: *looks conflicted*
Jack: *stares, kind of rearranging a woodpile*
Sawyer: *purses his lips as if to say "I MET YOUR FATHER!!"

Emily: SAWYER, DON'T SAY "NO REASON." o______o *angry*

Sawyer: *still staring*

Emily: DON'T SAY "NO REASON." *more anger*

Sawyer: *about to say it-...then no*

Me: *realising Emily is right* ...DON'T SAY "NO REASON"!!!
Emily: DON'T SAY IT!!!
Me and Emily: *crossing fingers, watching the minutes ticking on the clock, crossing more fingers, watching Sawyer's quivering lips, shaking with anger* DON'T SAY "NO REASON"!!!!

Sawyer: *purses lips more, blinks* ...No reason.


Me and Emily: GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH....!!!!! *crinnnnngggge*

And that was our "Lost" fiasco of the night. However, it was on the whole, a very happy and enjoyable episode. It lacked in the Cholie. But Emily said there was just enough. (Which means there wasn't enough). *winks at Emily* There isn't "enough" until Emily says there was "too much." XDD

In my case anyway.

Time to post a random Napoleon Dynamite quiz! La dee doo!

You are Napoleon Dyanamite and a buttload of gangs
are trying to recruit you.

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Nyar-har. Flippin' SWEET!
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