It's already out and about-at least for those who pre-ordered it on Amazon.
with fabulous interior illustrations of each critter by John Coulthart
Table of Contents
Foreword by Stefan Dziemianowicz
introduction by Ellen Datlow
Only the End of the World Again by Neil Gaiman
Bulldozer by Laird Barron
Red Goat Black Goat by Nadia Bulkin
The Same Deep Waters as You by Brian Hodge
A Quarter to Three by Kim Newman
The Dappled Thing by William Browning Spencer
Inelastic Collisions by Elizabeth Bear
Remnants by Fred Chappell
Love is Forbidden, We Croak & Howl by Caitlín R. Kiernan
The Sect of the Idiot by Thomas Ligotti
Jar of Salts by Gemma Files
Black is the Pit From Pole to Pole by Howard Waldrop and Steven Utley
Waiting at the Crossroads Motel by Steve Rasnic Tem
I’ve Come to Talk with you Again by Karl Edward Wagner
The Bleeding Shadow by Joe R. Lansdale
That of Which We Speak When We Speak of the Unspeakable by Nick Mamatas
Haruspicy by Gemma Files
Children of the Fang by John Langan