Mar 08, 2011 22:45
The flight home was easy and I got in the door before 9pm, which made me and the cats happy.
First, a quote from the forthcoming review in the June Realms of Fantasy (not yet proofed so may be slightly changed)
".....this collection is filled with gems." ......."This collection masterfully conveys the complexity of the concept, with nary a clunker to be found, and is a must-have for any vampire fan out there."
And I received one hardcover copy and one trade copy of the actual finished book! It looks beautiful. There will be at least one reading/event in NYC: at the Jefferson Market Library in June. More info to come.
Plus I received a carton of the bound galleys of Naked City. It looks good too and I'm eager to have them both out.
I may hold some kind of competition for a few of the advance reading copies of NC.
There will be a reading of NC in Cambridge, the evening that Readercon begins.
naked city,