2nd half of Best Horror of the Year volume 1 HMs

Apr 11, 2010 22:14

Kaiden, Chandler “Geist,” On the Premises, March.
Kane, Paul “Red,” (novella) chapbook.
Kasischke, Laura “Search Continues for Elderly Man,” The MagazineofF&SFSeptember.
Kaye, Marvin “The Haunted Single Malt,” (novella) The Ghost Quartet.
Kaysen, Daniel “Talent Girl,” Black Static 7.
Kaysen, Daniel “The Opening,” Crimewave, Now you See Me 10.
Keeney, Belea T. Lure of the Wolf,” The Beast Within.
Keevil, Tyler “Masque of the Red Clown,” On Spec 72.
Kelly, Michael “Chelsea Grin,” The Second Humdrumming Book of Horror Stories.
Kelly, Michael “Nervous Goats, Huddling in the Dark,” Nossa Morte 2.
Keohane, Daniel G. “Box,” Relief, volume 2, issue 2.
Kessel, John “Pride and Prometheus,” The Mag. of Fantasy & Science Fiction January.
Kidd, Chico and Kennett, Rick “The Grantchester Grimoire,” Gaslight Grimoire.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “Beatification,” Sirenia Digest 27.
Kiernan, Caitlin R. “Derma Sutra (1891),” Sirenia Digest 32.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “Pickman’s Other Model (1929),” Sirenia Digest 28.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “The Steam Dancer (1896),” Subterranean.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “The Z Word,” Sirenia Digest 33.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “Unter den Augens des Monde,” Sirenia Digest 31.
Killen, Jamie “Blind Spot,” Read by Dawn, volume 3.
Kilpatrick, Nancy “Bitches of the Night,” Blood Lite.
Kilpatrick, Nancy “Ecstasy,” Traps.
King, Gillian “The Dead Kid,” Carve, winter.
King, Laurie R. “The House,” Unusual Suspects.
King, Stephen “A Very Tight Place,” (novella) McSweeney’s 27.
King, Stephen “N.” Just After Sunset.
King, Stephen “The New York Times at Special Bargain Rates,” F&SF, Oct/Nov.
Kirby, A. J. “How to Kill an Hour,” Cone Zero: Nemonymous 8.
Kirk, John “The Talion Moth,” Weird Tales 349, March/April.
Konrath, J. A. “The Necro File,” (novella) Like a Chinese Tattoo.
Kontis, Alethea “Blood and Water,” OSC’s Intergalactic Medicine Show 9.
Kosmatka, Ted “The Art of Alchemy,” The Magazine of Fantasy and Science June.
Kowal, Mary Robinette “Scenting the Dark,” Apex online, August.
Kum, Tessa “Bitter Elsie Mae,” Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine 34.
Künsken, Derek “Beneath Sunlit Shallows,” Asimov’s Science Fiction June.
Laidlaw, Marc “Childrun,” The Magazine of Fantasy & Science, August.
Lake, Jay “America, Such as She Is,” (novella) Alembical.
Lake, Jay “Two All Beef Patties,” Better off Undead.
Lalumière, Claude ‘The Sea, at Bari,” On Spec 72.
Lanagan, Margo “Night of the Firstlings,” Eclipse Two.
Lanagan, Margo “The Fifth Star in the Southern Cross,” Dreaming Again.
Lane, Joel “A Mouth to Feed,” Shades of Darkness.
Lane, Joel “Alouette,” Subtle Edens.
Lane, Joel “Behind the Curtain,” Dark Horizons 52.
Lane, Joel “Even the Pawn,” Crimewave 10.
Lane, Joel “Into the Garden,” Midnight Street 10.
Lane, Joel “Last Night,” The Third Black Book of Horror.
Lane, Joel “Winter Journey,” Black Static 5.
Langan, Margo “The Cheese Thing,” Scary Food.
Langan, Sarah “The Agathas,” Unspeakable Horror.
Langolf, James Walton “Post Apocalypse,” Apex online, January.
Lanham, Carole “Keepity Keep,” Fantasy, December 29.
Larson, Richard “Good Night,” ChiZine 37.
LaValle, Victor “The Angel of Loneliness,” The Darker Mask.
Lawson, B.V. “The Devil to Play,” Static Movement, April.
Lawson, Lucinda “Night Augur,” (poem) Goblin Fruit winter.
Lebbon, Tim “Making Room,” Dark Discoveries, spring.
Lebbon, Tim “The Reach of Children,” novella chapbook.
Lee, Rand B. “Litany,” The Magazine of Fantasy & Science, June.
Lee, Tanith “The Beautiful and the Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald,” Asimov’s SF Jan.
Lees, Philip J. “Virtual Analysis,” Killers.
Lejano-Massebieau, Apol “Psychic Family,” Philippine Genre Stories 4.
Linzner, Gordon “The Professor’s New York Adventure,” Space and Time 103.
Livings, Martin “Piggies,” Midnight Echo 1.
Llewellyn, Livia “The Engine of Desire,” Unspeakable Horror.
Lloyd, Rebecca “Shuck,” Read by Dawn, volume 3.
Lovell, Tony “Mary and Sue,” Supernatural Tales 14.
Loy, Jaime Lee “Bury Your Mother,” Trinidad Noir.
Ludwigsen, Will “In Search Of,” Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine June.
Lynch, Mark Patrick “The Apartment of Bryony Hartwood,” Shades of Darkness.
MacKay, Erin “Letters Home,” Bound for Evil.
MacLeod, Alison “Family Motel,” The New Uncanny.
MacLeod, Ian R. “The Hob Carpet,” (novella) Asimov’s Science Fiction June.
Maitland, Sara “Seeing Double,” The New Uncanny.
Maloney, Geoffrey “The Tingler’s Tale,” Canterbury 2100.
Mamatas, Nick and Pratt, Tim “The Dude Who Collected Lovecraft,” ChiZine 36.
Mann, George “The Nature of Blood,” Apex online, August.
Mantchev, Lisa “The Stolen Word,” Fantasy, May 5.
Mantooth, John “On the Mountain,” Shroud 4.
Marchand, Joy “Black Annis,” Unspeakable Horror.
Marchand, Joy “The Shape of her Sorrow,” Shimmer 9.
Marek, Adam “Tamagotchi,” The New Uncanny.
Marlowe, Paul “The Resident Member,” Something Wicked 7.
Maxey, James “Silent as Dust,” OSC’s Intergalactic Medicine Show 7.
Maynard, L. H. & Sims, M.P.N. “Onion,” The Second Black Book of Horror.
McDermott, Kirstyn “Painlessness,” GUD 2.
McDibble, Bren “Being Bella Wang,” Shiny 4.
McDonald, Keris “In Old Oaks,” Shades of Darkness.
McGachey, Daniel “The Crimson Picture,” The Second Black Book of Horror.
McGalliard, Julie “Persephone Eats Winter,” Talebones 37.
McHugh, Ian “Bitter Dreams,” Writers of the Future volume XXIV.
McHugh, Maura “Home,” Shroud 2.
McIntosh, Will “The Fantasy Jumper,” Black Static 3.
McMahan, Gary “Charles Urban’s Brutal Spirits,” Chapbook.
McMahon, Gary ‘Brokenback Isle,” Shades of Darkness.
McMahon, Gary “ Guidance,” Bound for Evil.
McMahon, Gary “Black Glass,” The Second Black Book of Horror.
McMahon, Gary “Seen Through Flame,” City Slab 12.
McMahon, Gary “Takashi’s Last Symphony,” The Third Black Book of Horror.
McMahon, Gary “Through the Cracks,” How to Make Monsters.
McMillan, Franetta “The Klanman’s Daughter,” (poem) Gargoyle 53.
Meaney, John “Via Vortex,” Sideways in Crime.
Meloy, Paul “All Mouth,” Black Static 6.
Meloy, Paul “The Vague,” Islington Crocodiles.
Miéville, China “A Room of One’s Own,” Hellboy: Oddest Jobs.
Miller, Scott Stainton “The Last Ditch,” Read by Dawn, volume 3.
Mills, Alice “Roast Fallopian Tubes,” Human Cuisine.
Mills, Calvin “The Stone and Bone Boy,” Weird Tales, 348.
Miner, Samuel “Treats,” Read by Dawn, volume 3.
Mock, Sharon “All Beautiful Things,” Realms of Fantasy, October.
Monette, Sarah “Darkness, as a Bride,” Cemetery Dance 58.
Monette, Sarah “The World Without Sleep,” Postscripts 14.
Monette, Sarah “The Yellow Dressing Gown,” Weird Tales 349.
Monk, Devon “That Saturday,” Better off Undead.
Moorcock, Michael “Black Petals,” (novella) Weird Tales 349.
Moosa, Tauriq “The Final Guest,” Something Wicked 7.
Morton, Lisa “Golden Eyes,” Horror Library, volume 3.
Mosley, Walter “The Picket,” The Darker Mask.
Mueller, Richard “A Ten-Pound Sack of Rice,” The Magazine of Fantasy & SF March.
Mueller, Richard “But Wait! There’s More,” The Magazine of Fantasy & SF August.
Muslim, Kristine Ong “Dolls,” (poem) GUD 2.
Nagy, Steve “Ye Shall Eat in Haste,” Black Static 4.
Nahrung, Jason “Smoking, Waiting for the Dawn,” Dreaming Again.
Nelson, Shane “One Man Home,” Not One of Us 40.
Neube, Ryck “Feverish Solutions,” Apex 12.
Newcomer, Caitlin “Only This Torn Room Forever Sleeps,” Hayden’s Ferry Review 42.
Newman, Paul “Widow’s Weeds,” The Third Black Book of Horror.
Nicholson, Scott “Sewing Circle,” Scattered Ashes.
Nicholson, Scott “The Endless Bivouac,” Scattered Ashes.
Nutick, Mia “Cruella,” (poem) ChiZine 38.
O’Rourke, Monica “Lachesis,” Experiments in Human Nature.
Oates, Joyce Carol “Dear Joyce Carol,” Boulevard 68 & 69.
Oates, Joyce Carol “Labyrinth,” McSweeney’s 29.
Oates, Joyce Carol “Split/Brain,” EQMM, September/October.
Odgen, Helen “St. Lucia,” (poem), Goblin Fruit winter.
Odishoo, Sarah “Ariadne’s Awakening: The Sacrifice,” Zahir 16.
Oliver, Frances “The King of Majorca,” Shades of Darkness.
Oliver, Reggie “A Donkey at the Mysteries,” Exotic Gothic.
Oliver, Reggie “The Devil’s Funeral,” Shades of Darkness.
Owens, Gareth “Liquid Skin,” Quercus One, The West Pier Gazette.
Owomoyela, An “Small Monuments,” ChiZine 36.
Pangarker, Widaad “Day of the Whales,” Something Wicked 6.
Papp, Inge “Eyes,” Something Wicked 6.
Parker, Rosalie “Spirit Solutions,”The BlackVeil and Other Talesof Supernatural Sleuths.
Parker, Sean “Cone Zero,” Cone Zero: Nemonymous 8.
Partridge, Norman “Apotropaics,” Subterranean Online fall.
Partridge, Norman “Road Dogs,” Subterranean online spring.
Paulk, Kate “Night Shifted,” Better off Undead.
Pelland, Jennifer “Songs of Lament,” Unwelcome Bodies.
Penncavage, Michael “Man of Principle,” Dark Territories.
Person, Lawrence “Gabe’s Globster,” Asimov’s Science Fiction June.
Piccirilli, Tom “Circling,” Shroud 1.
Piccirilli, Tom and Bruen, Ken “Be the Darkness,” Shroud 2.
Pile, Rog “The Pit,” The Second Black Book of Horror.
Pile, Rog “The Scavenger,” The Third Black Book of Horror.
Pill, Nikki M. “Shadows on the Pews,” Hell in the Heartland.
Pinborough, Sarah “Our Man in the Sudan,” The Second Humdrumming Book of Horror.
Pitman, Marion “Out of Season,” Shades of Darkness.
Porter, Andrew C. “In the Seams,” Apex online, July.
Porter, Karen R. “The Eyes However,” (poem) Not One of Us 40.
Powell, Martin “Sherlock Holmes in the Lost World,” Gaslight Grimoire.
Prater, Lon “A Road Like This, at Night,” Talebones 37.
Prater, Lon “Sugar and Old Spice,” (poem) ChiZine 36.
Pridham, Matthew “Renovations,” Weird Tales, 348.
Probert, John Llewellyn “Don’t Look Back” Coffin Nails.
Probert, John Llewellyn “Final Act” Ibid.
Probert, John Llewellyn “Of Music and Mayhem” Ibid.
Probert, John Llewellyn “Recipe for Disaster,” Bound For Evil.
Probert, John Llewellyn “The Sacrifices We Make” Coffin Nails.
Pugmire, W.M. and Snyder, M.K. “The House of Idiot Children,” Weird Tales 348.
Punsalan, Elyss G. “Thirty-Two,” Story Philippines, volume 2.
Purvis, Kent “Pieces of Eight,” Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine 32.
Rambo, Cat “Events at Fort Plentitude,” Weird Tales 348.
Rand, Ken “The Executioner’s Apprentice,” Where Angels Fear.
Reisman, Jessica “Flowertongue,” Farrago's Wainscot, volume 2, issue 6.
Rennie, Alistair “The Gutter Sees the Light That Never Shines,” The New Weird.
Rhoades, Loren “The Angel’s Lair,” Sins of the Sirens.
Richards, Tony “At the Church of St. Jack the Ripper,” Shadows and Other Tales.
Richards, Tony “Night Game,” Black Static 5.
Richards, Tony “Pages from a Broken Book,” Black Static 7.
Rickert, M. “Evidenceof Loveina Case ofAbandonment:-One…”F&SFOct/Nov.
Rickert, M. “War is Beautiful,” Flytrap 9.
Rickert. M “Traitor,” The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May.
Riedel, Kate “Pest Control,” On Spec 71.
Riley, David A. “A Sense of Movement,” The Third Black Book of Horror.
Riley, David A. “Soft Little Fingers,” Shades of Darkness.
Roberson, Chris “Merridew of Abominable Memory,” Gaslight Grimoire.
Newman, Kim “The Red Planet League,” Gaslight Grimoire.
Roden, Barbara “Association Copy,” Bound for Evil.
Roden, Barbara “Endless Night,” Exotic Gothic.
Roden, Barbara “The Things That Shall Come Upon Them,” Gaslight Grimoire.
Roden, Barbara Back Roads,” Shades of Darkness.
Rogers, Ian “Inheritor,” Cemetery Dance 58.
Rogers, Ian “The Dark and the Young,” Bound for Evil.
Rogers, Ian “The Nanny,” Nossa Morte 3.
Rogers, Jane “Ped-o-Matique,” The New Uncanny.
Ronald, Margaret “And Spare Not the Flock,” Realms of Fantasy, February.
Royle, Nicholas “Salt,” Black Static 4.
Royle, Nicholas “The Bee Eater,” Succour: Animals, spring/summer.
Royle, Nicholas “The Dummy,” The New Uncanny.
Royle, Nicholas “Train, Night,” 3am London, New York, Paris.
Rucker, Lynda “These Things We Have Always Known,” Black Static 8.
Runolfson, J. C. “Step (and Turn)’ (poem), Goblin Fruit winter.
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn “The Moorhead House,” EQMM January.
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn “The Observer,” Front Lines.
Russell, Doug “The Hours of Her Death,” Space and Time 102.
Russell, R. B. “Beechlands,” Postscripts 16.
Russell, R.B. “Like Clockwork,”The Black Veil and Other Tales of Supernatural Sleuths.
Ryan, Dermot “Gladstone,” Albedo One 35.
Sakey, Marcus “Gravity and Need,” Killer Year.
Sakmyster, David “Bait,” Black Static 7.
Samphire, Patrick “At the Gates,” Black Static 8.
Samuels, Mark “Destination NihilbyEd.Bertrand”GlyphotechandOtherMacabreProcesses.
Savory, Brett Alexander“TheMachineisPerfect,theEngineerisNobody,”TaddleCreekXmas
Schaller, Eric “Editorial: Are You Properly Desensitized?” Postscripts 14.
Schaller, Eric “Going Back For What Got Left Behind,” Cone Zero: Nemonymous 8.
Schwader, Ann K. “Charlotte in Waiting” (poem) Star* Line14.
Schwartz, David “The Somnambulist,” Paper Cities.
Schweitzer, Darrell Living with the Dead, (novella) PS chapbook.
Scutt, Cecily “Europa,” Dreaming Again.
Seaton, George “Big Diehl,” Nossa Morte 5.
Sedia, Ekaterina “By the Liter,” Subterranean online spring.
Sedia, Ekaterina “There Is a Monster Under Helen’s Bed,” Clockwork Phoenix.
Sellar, Gord “Pahwakhe,” Fantasy, January 21.
Shea, Michael ‘Tsathoggua,” The Autopsy and Other Tales.
Shearman, Robert “Be of Good Cheer,” Midnight Echo 1.
Shearman, Robert “Mortal Coil,” Tiny Deaths.
Shearman, Robert “Tiny Deaths,” (novella), Tiny Deaths.
Shehadeh, Ramsey “How I Got Here,” Weird Tales, July/August.
Shelmerdine, Murray “Appearances,” Crimewave 10.
Shinn, Sharon “The House of the Seven Spirits,” Unusual Suspects.
Shipp, Jeremy C. “Dog,” Sheep and Wolves.
Showers, Brian J. “Father Corrigan’s Diary,” (novella) The Bleeding Horse.
Showers, Brian J. “Favourite No. 7 Omnibus,” The Bleeding Horse.
Showers, Brian J. “Quis Separabit,” The Bleeding Horse.
Slatter, Angela “Dresses, Three,” Shimmer 8.
Slatter, Angela “Little Radish, Crimsonhighway.com February.
Slatter, Angela “The Hummingbird Heart,” Shimmer 9.
Slatter, Angela “The Jacaranda Wife,” Dreaming Again.
Smale, Alan “Quartet, With Mermaids,” Abyss and Apex 25.
Smith, Maggie “Time of the Wolf (2003),” (poem) West Branch 63.
Snell, D.L. “Mortal Gods,” (novella) The Undead: Headshot Quartet.
Sokoloff, Alexandra “The Edge of Seventeen,” The Darker Mask.
Somers, Jeff “Closer in my Heart to Thee,” GUD 2.
Somtow, S. P. “An Alien Heresy,” Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine April/May.
Soulban, Lucien “Hell in a Handbasket,” Blood Lite.
Sparks, Cat “Piper,” Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine 36.
Speegle, Darren “ The Lunatic Miss Teak,” Subterranean.
Speegle, Darren “Saudade,” Crimewave, Now you See Me 10.
Steimle, James “The Supplanter,” Albedo One 34.
Steinwachs, Joanne “The Number of Angels in Hell,” Abyss and Apex 27.
Sterns, Aaron “The Rest is Silence,” Dreaming Again.
Stoddard, James “The First Editions,” The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April.
Strantzas, Simon “A Shadow in God’s Eye,” Beneath the Surface.
Strantzas, Simon “Leather, Dark and Cold,” Bound for Evil.
Strantzas, Simon “Pinholesin BlackMuslin,”The2ndHumdrummingBkofHorrorStories.
Strantzas, Simon “Poor Stephanie,” Supernatural Tales 14.
Strantzas, Simon “Under the Overpass,” Shades of Darkness.
Stross, Charles “Down on the Farm,” Tor.com, July.
Sucksmith, Harvey Peter “A Bit of a Giggle,” Shades of Darkness.
Sullivan, David “The Ballad of Jennie Greenteeth’s Lover,” (poem) Goblin Fruit spring.
Sussex, Lucy “Robots and Zombies, Inc,” Dreaming Again.
Sutherland, Joel “Chinese Graveyard,” Read by Dawn, volume 3.
Swann, S. Andrew “Family Photos,” Future Americas.
Swirsky, Rachel “Monstrous Embrace,” Subterranean.
Taaffe, Sonya “Lupercal,” (poem) Not One of Us 39.
Taaffe, Sonya “Painted God and the Eyes of Childhood”(poem) Space andTime 104.
Taaffe, Sonya “The Devourer,” (poem), Mythic Delirium 19.
Taaffe, Sonya “The Plague Hill,” (poem), Mythic Delirium 19.
Taaffe, Sonya “The Second Ghost,” (poem) Home and Away.
Tallerman, David “Doppelganger (poem), ChiZine 37.
Tambour, Anna “Succession at Quandong Creek, (poem) Heliotrope, spring.
Tan, Yvette “Seek Ye Whore,” Rogue July (Philippines).
Taylor, John Alfred “The Limber Man,” Hell is Murky.
Taylor, John Alfred “What Would Mr. Raven Say,” Hell is Murky.
Tem, Steve Rasnic “2pm: The Real Estate Agent Arrives,” Crimewave 10.
Tem, Steve Rasnic “The Cabinet Child,” Phantom.
Tentchoff, Marcie Lynn “Smoke and Shadows,”(poem)Talesof the Talisman vol.3,issue4.
Thomas, Ben “Cormac’s Mirror,” Bound For Evil.

Thomas, Jonathan “Eben’s Portrait,” Midnight Call.
Thomas, Jonathan “Into Your Tenement I’ll Creep,” Studies in the Fantastic 1.
Thomas, Jonathan “Midnight Call,” Midnight Call.
Thomas, Lee “I’m Your Violence,” Unspeakable Horror.
Thomas, Lee “The Good and Gone,” Killers.
Thomas, Scott “Flower-Mending,” The Garden of Ghosts.
Thomas, Scott “In the Long, Weed-Haunted Summer,” Ibid.
Thomas, Scott “Mr. Pickergill’s Unusual Oak-Wood Box,” Ibid.
Thomas, Scott “Whispers in the Orchard,” Ibid.
Thorland, Donna “The Road to the Airport,” Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine March.
Tidhar, Lavie “Blakenjel,” Apex online, October.
Tidhar, Lavie “Covenant,” Apex 12.
Totten, Sarah “The Stone Man,” Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine 33.
Travis, Julie “Darkworlds,” Premonitions: Causes For Alarm.
Travis, Tia V. “No Need of Wings,” Subterranean online winter 08.
Travis, Tia V. “One Thousand Dragon Sheets,” Exotic Gothic.
Travis,” John “The Tobacconist’s Concession,” The 2nd Humdrumming Bk of Horror.
Tremblay, Mildred “Early Dark in November” (poem) ChiZine 38.
Tremblay, Paul G. “The Blog a the End of the World,” ChiZine 38.
Trent, Tiffany “Blackwater Baby,” Magic in the Mirrorstone.
Tullis, S.D. “An Oddly Quiet Street,” Cone Zero: Nemonymous 8.
Unsworth, Simon Kurt “Old Pan’s Pantry,” Shades of Darkness.
Utley, Steven “Sleepless Years,” The Mag. of Fantasy & Science October/November.
Valente, Catherynne M. “Lessons in Architecture,” (poem) Flytrap, 9.
Valente, Catherynne M. “The Girl With Two Skins,” (poem) A Guide to Folktales in….
Valentine, Genevieve “The Red Shoes (Continued),”Journal of Mythic Arts final issue.
Van Eekhout, Greg “Frequent Flier Miles,” Flytrap 10.
Van Pelt, James “Harvest, (novella) Alembical.
Vandemark, William T. “A Splash of Color,” Apex online, November.
Vanderhooft, JoSelle “The Gravedigger’s Daughter,” (poem) Illumen, autumn.
Vanderhooft, JoSelle “The Grocer’s Daughter,” (poem) Star*Line 14.
Vanderhooft, JoSelle “The Sea Wife,” (poem) The Mag. of Speculative Poetry spring.
Vanderhooft, JoSelle “Ugly,” (poem) Full Unit Hookup 9.
VanderMeer, Jeff “The Situation, chapbook.
Vickers, Curtis Bradley “The Fire Over West Morningstar,” Shroud 1.
Waggoner, Tim “Outside the Lines,” Shroud 4.
Walker, Leslie Claire “Bones,” Fantasy, January 28.
Wallace, Tinatsu “Chimera and Qi,” Shimmer 9.
Ward, C.E. “The Short Cut,” Supernatural Tales 14.
Warren, Kaaron “Down to the Silver Spirits,” Paper Cities.
Wedel, Steven E. “Little Graveyard on the Prairie,” chapbook.
Weiss, Ernst “The Rat Ship,” (novella) A Public Space 5.
West, Jacqueline “Eggshells,” (poem) Mythic Delirium 18.
Westwood, Kim “Nightship,” Dreaming Again.
Wick, Jessica Paige “To the River,” (poem), Mythic Delirium 19.
Williams, Conrad “68˚ 07’ 15”N, 31˚ 36’ 44”W,” Fast Ships, Black Sails.
Williams, Conrad “Late Returns,” The Second Humdrumming Book of Horror Stories.
Williams, Conrad “The Hushes,” Dick and Jane Primer for Adults.
Winkle, Michael D. “The Book of Cain,” Bound for Evil.
Wise, A. C. “Strange Fruit,” Paradox 12.
Wise, A.C. “Teeth,” Horror Library, volume 3.
Worthen, Mark “Old Hippies, Duct Tape and Tough Choices,” Thinner than Mist.
Worthen, Mark “What You Carry With You,” Beneath the Stones.
Wright, T. M. “The Blue-Faced Man,” Postscripts 16.
Yanique, Tiphanie “Gita Pinky Manachandi,” Trinidad Noir.
Yemni, Sadik “Burn and Go,” Istanbul Noir.
York, Christina F. “Touched,” Front Lines.
Young, Stuart “Bliss,” (novella). We Fade to Grey.
Yu, E. Lily “What Comes After Rain,” (poem) Goblin Fruit, summer.
Zeller, Jill “The Alzheimer’s Book Club,” Bound for Evil.
Zumis, Leni “Leopard Arms,” Harp and Altar.

best horror of the year, volume one, honorable mentions 2008

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