AHHH YAYAYAYAY! Richelle has posted the cover of Spirit Bound on her blog..im sure you've all already seen it. Its so pretty! but it doesnt seem to match the other covers for some reason. I think maybe its because they're heads arent cropped enough. i dont know what do you think? this is the pic on
blue_succubus blog..hope im not breaking any rules by putting it here :S .. but see its sooo pretty *.* << dazzled
Hmmm is that Adrian or Dimitri?? .....
So i have be trying to reign in and stop myself posting Alex videos on every blog so none today. I had my project presentation today - that went well *rolls eyes* turns out the reaserch i spent the last three weeks on wasnt exactly the right stuff which sucks. but apparently heaps of people did the same thing as me (i think the fault is the teachers for not explaining correctly) so now i have to recollect and bind my research by next thursdday. JoY! ppfft!
Vampire Diaires and the mentalist are both on tonight at 8.30, im taping VD and watching the mentalist with my mum since she likes the show too..although not as much as me. i think i may develope unhealthy attatchments to shows and the characters but its ALL good (Y).
Speaking of which i just finished Poison Study (like 20 mins ago) - amazing book for anyone who asnt read it its by Maria V Snyder. Its the first of three books..im not sure if there is going to be a fourth
nas_101do you know? and now i am also attatched to Valek (add him to my list of fictional characters making it impossible for normal mortal men to live up to my expectations...*SIGH*) these authors sem intent on giving us unrealistic expectations...and i fall every time :-/ that doesnt seem quiet fair. But anyway i recomend Poison Study. I think i have a borders discount voucher so i might try and buy Magic Study since there is a waiting list of like 4 people at the library (and everyone gets the books for 3 weeks - i dont want to wait that long), im also searching the web for bargins - you never know who doesnt want their books any more!
...in the mean time im going to read the second gallagher girls book: cross my heart and hope to spy and then the 3rd and 4th vampire diaries books....I am starting to loose track of all the series im reading. I will post and entry soon with just a list of books i've read, series im following and books i want to read - more for my own benifit than anyone elses but i figure its agood way to discover more books and we can give recomendations etc :)
Oh yer heheheh...about Ales *blushes* :P i have a question. I was reading an unauthorized bio thing on a wikipedia style website were info can be edited. and it said he has a 10 year old son here in Australia...named Saxon - I THINK. i havent found anything else about his son elsewere or who hes mother may be. i was wondering if anyone knew anything..or if they get a chance to do a quick search to let me know. I only know of Holly Valance as far as ex-girlfriends go..
heheh snuck him in :P