·It's great that Cuatro is re-airing
Supernatural. I used to... not hate but dislike Jo, and now I think I like her. I still think the supposed "atraction" between her and Dean is forced and doesn't work out, but I like her. She could have been a brilliant hunter (and we know she did).
·I've been reading some comments from losties and suddenly I recalled the episode "swan song" and what Chuck said (or more like, what Kripke said) about how
endings are hard, difficult to write. And I also recalled the last episode of Battlestar Galactica. So many shows, endings are not easy, that's right. It's not easy to write something that makes everybody feel happy.
onetenzeroseven asked me for a photo of the view from my bedroom window
Boring, I know :)
force_oblique wanted a photo of my favourite shoes
deinajean asked for a photo of my kitchen (which I cleaned up, because my parents are coming next Friday)
I'm sorry about the BAD quality :)
·Stupid headache =/